Hi, David.

You can create a replication statistics file from the PTManager
"Replication" menu.  Open that with Open/ApacheOpen/LibreOffice Calc,
and compare "source time for last sync point" against the
"last_write_date" from the VOLUMES table in TSM.  Any volumes with
last_write_date later than the last sync point require audit vol fix=yes.

Did that cover what you needed?

On 11/28/2012 11:58 AM, Ehresman,David E. wrote:
Anyone doing non-TSM replication to their DR site, e.g. ProcTier IP 
replication?  If so, I would be interested in talking to you about how you do 
DR recovery, especially how you sync up what tapes got replicated vs what your 
recovered TSM DB knows.

David Ehresman
University of Louisville

  • DR scenario Ehresman,David E.
    • Re: DR scenario Alex Paschal

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