On Apr 17, 2013, at 9:16 AM, Zoltan Forray <zfor...@vcu.edu> wrote:

> Speaking of tuning, I have a question about Linux kernel parameters.
> Back a while ago we started having intermittent problems running a DB
> backup on one of our V6 systems.  From what I posted here, a responder with
> the same problem came upon some documentation listing recommended kernel
> parms for Linux servers and DB2.
> So my OS guy went around to all of our TSM servers and set the nofiles
> value to 4096, along with other recommended tuning parms.
> Now we are see this message on most of our servers:
> ANR3619W The user limit for open files is below the recommended minimum
> value of 4096.
> eventhough IT IS set to 4096

Well, the nofile parameter in /etc/security/limits.conf is the maximum value 
the usernamed process may use. That is not necessarily what the process has set 
via the 'limit' or 'ulimit' command. This is what is know in Unix as Resource 
Limits, where there is a ceiling, and there is a currently defined value which 
the process has chosen to use.
See also APAR IC90127.

    Richard Sims

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