Hi all,

I am looking to find out what data is stored on my TSM servers for a
node which is defined as a server. Specifically to find out why/what
data is being stored for each server to the other one to amount to
approx. 3.8TB and 4.2TB respectively which is causing me a bit of a
headache as I am running out of space in my storagepools.

The setup (and where the figures above are taken from):-

2 TSM servers, TSM and TSM1 which are set up so that all the clients
which connect to each of them have their data replicated to the other
TSM server. The servers themselves are (obv) defined to each other for
the node replication to work. The only other use of this is to do
database backups to each other. The nodes themselves aren't replicated
between themselves (they are type=server). Both servers are running on
AIX 6.1 TL7 and the TSM version is

So if I do the following command on TSM:-

select substr(node_name,1,20) as "Node
Name",cast(float(sum(physical_mb)) / 1024 as dec(8,2))as "Space in GB",
sum(num_files)as"Number of files" from occupancy where node_name like
'TSM1' group by node_name

It returns:-

Node Name                  Space in GB      Number of files
---------------------     ------------     ----------------
TSM1                         3855.94                   59

Likewise the other way around on TSM1 produces:-

Node Name                  Space in GB      Number of files
---------------------     ------------     ----------------
TSM                            4221.42                   44

So I am specifically wanting to find out why/what data is being stored
for each server for the other one to amount to approx. 3.8TB and 4.2TB

The filespace information that is held for each of these servers is as

On TSM:-

tsm: TSM>q file tsm1 f=d

                                      Node Name: TSM1
                                 Filespace Name: ADSM.SERVER
                     Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
                                           FSID: 1
                                       Platform: AIX
                                 Filespace Type: ADSM_FS
                          Is Filespace Unicode?: No
                                       Capacity: 500 GB
                                       Pct Util: 100.0
                    Last Backup Start Date/Time:
                 Days Since Last Backup Started:
               Last Backup Completion Date/Time:
               Days Since Last Backup Completed:
Last Full NAS Image Backup Completion Date/Time:
Days Since Last Full NAS Image Backup Completed:
               Last Replication Start Date/Time:
            Days Since Last Replication Started:
          Last Replication Completion Date/Time:
          Days Since Last Replication Completed:
                   Backup Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
                  Backup Replication Rule State: Enabled
                  Archive Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
                 Archive Replication Rule State: Enabled
         Space Management Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
        Space Management Replication Rule State: Enabled

On TSM1:-

tsm: TSM1>q file tsm f=d

                                      Node Name: TSM
                                 Filespace Name: ADSM.SERVER
                     Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
                                           FSID: 1
                                       Platform: AIX
                                 Filespace Type: ADSM_FS
                          Is Filespace Unicode?: No
                                       Capacity: 500 GB
                                       Pct Util: 100.0
                    Last Backup Start Date/Time:
                 Days Since Last Backup Started:
               Last Backup Completion Date/Time:
               Days Since Last Backup Completed:
Last Full NAS Image Backup Completion Date/Time:
Days Since Last Full NAS Image Backup Completed:
               Last Replication Start Date/Time:
            Days Since Last Replication Started:
          Last Replication Completion Date/Time:
          Days Since Last Replication Completed:
                   Backup Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
                  Backup Replication Rule State: Enabled
                  Archive Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
                 Archive Replication Rule State: Enabled
         Space Management Replication Rule Name: DEFAULT
        Space Management Replication Rule State: Enabled

The database backup that occurs between the 2 servers use 4 streams each
time and are kept for 4 days (DB Backup Series Expiration Days: 4 Days
from q drmstatus), so in my mind there should only ever be 16 files on
each server from the other server, not the amount of files that are
being reported above.

My database sizes are:- TSM = 434Gb, TSM1 = 276Gb (as an aside, why
aren't these the same size as they are storing the same amount of data?)

Would someone be able to shed any light on this or let me know if I can
provide any more information.

Thanks in advance,


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