TSM on AIX 6.1
TSM on Windows 2008 R2

My attempt to change a schedule start time has failed.  I have a cmd schedule 
that runs Exchange backups.  Originally scheduled for 17:00 I find I cannot 
change the start time to 22:00.

These commands show that the schedule time was changed to 22:00.
update schedule exch1 incr scheds=e startt=22:00
update schedule exch1 incr startt=22:00

It looks like it should work.

>q sched exch1 incr f=d

            Policy Domain Name: EXCH1
                 Schedule Name: INCR
                   Description: daily incremental exchange backup
                        Action: Command
                       Objects: c:\excincr.cmd
                      Priority: 5
               Start Date/Time: 01/14/12   22:00:00
                      Duration: 1 Hour(s)
                Schedule Style: Enhanced
                   Day of Week: Sun,Mon,Tue,Thu,Fri,Sat
                         Month: Any
                  Day of Month: Any
                 Week of Month: Any
                    Expiration: 02/17/13   23:59:59
Last Update by (administrator): SCHNEIJ
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/30/13   09:24:48
              Managing profile:

>q assoc exch1 incr

Policy Domain Name                 Schedule Name                      
Associated Nodes                                                
------------------------------     ------------------------------     
EXCH1                              INCR                               

>q proxy target=ch2wpexch1

Target Node         Agent Node                                   
---------------     ----------
CH2WPEXCH1-EXCH     CH2WPEXCH1                                   

But the darn schedule still runs at 17:00, the previous start time.
I have restarted the acceptor, scheduler, and TDP for Exchange services on the 

What am I doing wrong/what have I missed?

Thank you in advance,
Jim Schneider

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