Here is some information that might help. There's more information than you
asked for, but I hope you find the additional detail helpful.

Legacy backups use INCLUDE/EXCLUDE statements in the Data Protection for
SQL options file. For the examples provided in the following tables,
grouped statements are intended to be used together. For example:



|Object matches for backuptype       |Specification                       |
|Example for all objects             |\...\*                              |
|Example for exclude statements with |\...\full*                           |
|all type of backups                 |                                     |
|(full, diff, log, group, file, set) |\...\diff*                          |
|Example for include and exclude     |\...\full*                           |
|statements with all type of backups |\...\full*\*                         |
|(full, diff, log, group, file, set) |                                     |
|                                    |\...\copyfull*                       |
|                                    |\...\copyfull*\*                     |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\diff*                           |
|                                    |\...\diff*\*                         |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\log*                            |
|                                    |\...\log\...\*                       |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\group*                          |
|                                    |\...\group\...\*                     |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\file*                           |
|                                    |\...\file\...\*                      |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\set*                            |
|                                    |\...\set\...\*                      |
|Example for exclude statements with |\...\g1\group*                       |
|file (f1) and group (g1)            |\...\f1\file*                       |
|Example for include statements with |\...\group\g1*\*                     |
|file (f1) and group (g1)            |\...\group\g1*                       |
|                                    |\...\g1\group*                       |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\file\f1*\*                      |
|                                    |\...\file\f1*                        |
|                                    |\...\f1\file*                       |
|Example for exclude statements with |\...\g*\group*                       |
|group or file object names beginning|\...\f*\file*                       |
|with g or f                         |                                    |
|Example for include statements with |\...\group\g*\*                      |
|group or file object names beginning|\...\group\g*                        |
|with g or f                         |\...\g*\group*                       |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\file\f*\*                       |
|                                    |\...\file\f*                         |
|                                    |\...\f*\file*                        |
|Example for exclude statements same |\...\*\group*                        |
|as \...\group* or \...\file* (there |\...\*\file*                        |
|is no equivalent for include        |                                    |
|statements)                         |                                    |

|backuptype object with database     |Specification                       |
|matches                             |                                    |
|Example for all objects with        |\...\Db1\...\*                      |
|database name Db1                   |                                    |
|Example for all objects with        |\...\Db*\...\*                      |
|database name Db1 beginning with Db |                                    |
|Ambiguous                           |\...\*\...\*                        |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\full*                       |
|full, diff, copyfull objects with   |\...\Db1\copyfull*                   |
|database name Db1                   |\...\Db1\diff*                      |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\Db1\full*                       |
|statements using full, diff,        |\...\Db1\full*\*                     |
|copyfull objects with database name |                                     |
|Db1                                 |\...\Db1\copyfull*                   |
|                                    |\...\Db1\copyfull*\*                 |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\diff*                       |
|                                    |\...\Db1\diff*\*                    |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\...\log*                    |
|log, group, file, set objects with  |\...\Db1\...\group*                 |
|database name Db1                   |                                    |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\Db1\...\log*                    |
|statements using log, group, file,  |\...\Db1\...\log*\...\*              |
|set objects with database name Db1  |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\group*                  |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\group*\...\*            |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\file*                   |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\file*\...\*             |
|                                    |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\set*                    |
|                                    |\...\Db1\...\set*\...\*             |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\g1\group*                  |
|all group or file object names (g1, |\...\Db1\f1\file*                   |
|f1) with database name Db1          |                                    |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\Db1\group\g1*                   |
|statements using all group or file  |\...\Db1\group\g1*\*                 |
|object names (g1, f1) with database |\...\Db1\g1\group*                   |
|name Db1                            |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\file\f1*                    |
|                                    |\...\Db1\file\f1*\*                  |
|                                    |\...\Db1\f1\file*                   |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\g*\group*                   |
|all group or file object names      |\...\Db1\f*\file*                   |
|beginning with g or f with database |                                    |
|name Db1                            |                                    |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\Db1\group\g*                    |
|statements using all group or file  |\...\Db1\group\g*\*                  |
|object names beginning with g or f  |\...\Db1\g*\group*                   |
|with database name Db1              |                                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\file\f*                     |
|                                    |\...\Db1\file\f*\*                   |
|                                    |\...\Db1\f*\file*                   |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\*\group*                    |
|\...\Db1\...\group* or file* (there |\...\Db1\*\file*                    |
|is no equivalent for include        |                                    |
|statements)                         |                                    |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\Db1\...\full*                  |
|\...\Db1\full*                      |                                    |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\Db1\...\full*                   |
|statements using \...\Db1\full*     |\...\Db1\...\full*\*                |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\*\full*                        |
|\...\full*                          |                                    |
|Example for exclude and include     |\...\*\full*                         |
|statements using \...\full*         |\...\*\full*\*                      |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\*\*\group*                     |
|\...\group* (there is no equivalent |                                    |
|for include statements)             |                                    |
|Example for exclude statements using|\...\*\g1\group*                    |
|\...\g1\group* (there is no         |                                    |
|equivalent for include statements)  |                                    |
|Ambiguous                           |\...\*\...\log*                     |
|Nothing (typeInfo missing)          |\...\Db1\set*                       |

For the following table, use the following guidelines:
   If you use using only exclude statements with only \meta\, all objects
   (including data) are excluded.
   If you are using only exclude statements with only \data\, errors occur.
|Meta and data object matches        |Specification                       |
|Example for all meta or data objects|\...\meta\...\*                      |
|                                    |\...\data\...\*                     |
|Example for all meta full objects   |\...\meta\...\full*                 |
|Example for all data full objects   |\...\data\...\full*                  |
|                                    |\...\data\...\full*\*               |
|Example for all meta group object   |\...\meta\...\g1\group*             |
|names (g1)                          |                                    |
|Example for all data group object   |\...\data\...\group\g1*              |
|names (g1)                          |\...\data\...\group\g1*\*           |
|Example for all meta group object   |\...\meta\...\g*\group*             |
|names beginning with g              |                                    |
|Example for all data group object   |\...\data\...\group\g*               |
|names beginning with g              |\...\data\...\group\g*\*            |
|Same as \...\meta\...\group*        |\...\meta\...\*\group*              |
|Nothing (qualifiers missing)        |\...\meta\*\...\data\*              |

|Meta and data object with database  |Specification                       |
|matches                             |                                    |
|Example for all meta or data objects|\...\meta\...\Db1\...\*              |
|with database name Db1              |\...\data\...\Db1\...\*             |
|Example for all meta objects with   |\...\meta\...\Db1\full*             |
|database name Db1                   |                                    |
|Example for full objects matching   |\...\data\...\Db1\full*              |
|all data objects                    |\...\data\...\Db1\full*\*           |
|Example for all meta objects with   |\...\meta\...\Db1\...\log*          |
|database name Db1                   |                                    |
|Example for all log objects matching|\...\data\...\Db1\...\log\...\*     |
|all data objects                    |                                    |
|Example for all group matching all  |\...\meta\...\Db1\...\group*        |
|meta objects                        |                                    |
|Example for group matching all data |\...\data\...\Db1\group\...\*       |
|objects                             |                                    |
|Example for all meta object names ( |\...\meta\...\Db1\g1\group*         |
|g1) with database name Db1          |                                    |
|Example for all data group object   |\...\data\...\Db1\group\g1*         |
|names (g1) with database name Db1   |                                    |
|Example for all meta object names   |\...\meta\...\Db1\g*\group*         |
|beginning with g with database name |                                    |
|Db1                                 |                                    |
|Example for all data group object   |\...\data\...\Db1\group\g*          |
|names beginning with g with database|                                    |
|name Db1                            |                                    |
|Same as \...\meta\...\Db1\...\group*|\...\meta\...\Db1\*\group*          |
|(No equivalent for data objects)    |                                    |
|Same as \...\meta\...\full* (No     |\...\meta\...\*\full*               |
|equivalent for data objects)        |                                    |
|Same as \...\meta\...\group* (No    |\...\meta\...\*\*\group*            |
|equivalent for data objects)        |                                    |
|Same as \...\meta\...\g1\group* (No |\...\meta\...\*\g1\group*           |
|equivalent for data objects)        |                                    |
|Ambiguous                           |\...\meta\...\*\...\log*             |
|                                    |\...\data\...\*\...\log*            |
|Nothing (qualifiers missing)        |\...\meta\*\...\data\*              |

|Server matches                      |Specification                       |
|Example for all objects from all    |SQL*\...\*                          |
|servers beginning with SQL          |                                    |
|Example for all objects from all    |SQL2012\...\*                       |
|server instances with host SQL2012  |                                    |
|Example for all objects from server |SQL2012\INST1\...\*                 |
|SQL2012\INST1                       |                                    |
|Example for all objects from all    |SQL2012\INST*\...\*                 |
|servers beginning with SQL2012\INST |                                    |
|Same as SQL2012\...\*               |SQL2012\*\...\*                     |
|Example for all meta or data objects|SQL2012\INST1\meta\...\*             |
|from server SQL2012\INST1           |SQL2012\INST1\data\...\*            |
|Example for all meta or data objects|SQL2012\*\meta\...\*                |
|from all named server instances with|                                    |
|host SQL2012                        |                                    |
|Example for all meta or data objects|SQL2012\...\meta\...\*              |
|from all server instances with host |                                    |
|SQL2012                             |                                    |
|Example for all objects from server |SQL2012\meta\...\*                   |
|default instance (if no instance    |SQL2012\data\...\*                  |
|name matches ??ta)                  |                                    |

Angela Robertson
IBM Software Group
Durham, NC 27703

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <> wrote on 08/12/2013
06:25:30 PM:

> "J. Pohlmann" <>
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <>
> 08/12/2013 06:25 PM
> Please respond to
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <>
> To
> cc
> Subject
> [ADSM-L] DP for SQL 6.4 Copyfull MC binding
> We are thinking of upgrading our DP for SQL environment to 6.4 so that we
> can take advantage of the copyfull type of backup. We would like to bind
> long-term retention MC to the copyfull backup, however the DP for SQL
> Installation and User's Guide (GC27-4010-10) does not cover this (page 3
> states that different MCs can be bound to full and copyfull backups). If
> are going to use VSS backups, then we expect that VSSPOLICY statements
> do the MC binding. On page 43 at the revision bars, there is a statement
> that only FULL or a * can be used for the backup type, where a * will
> a FULL backup to be taken. However on p 91 an example of VSSPOLICY shows
> FULL and INCR type of backups. There is no INCR type of backup for SQL
> (there is for DP for Exchange). Page 253 only shows FULL backup type
> examples for VSSPOLICY.
> If we were to use a COPYFULL with legacy backups, what would the include
> pattern be for the include statement to assign a long-term retention MC?
> Page 254 (at the top) only shows the include pattern for the previously
> supported legacy backup types.
> Please help with the settings.
> Regards,
> Joerg Pohlmann

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