
On AIX you can use the rendev cmd to rename a rmt devices.
well, that depends.
You can rename all devices managed by aTape (lsdev -Cc tape). If you're using a SCSI library that relies on using the TSM drivers and mt devices (lsdev -Cc admstape) instead, you cannot rename them.

We usually run two ugly command lines to list all serial numbers and device 
for device in $(lsdev -Cc adsmtape |awk '{print $1};') ; do lscfg -vl $device |egrep '(Serial|mt)'; done for device in $(lsdev -Cc tape |awk '{print $1};') ; do lscfg -vl $device |egrep '(Serial|rmt|smc)'; done

Mostly, the mt devices won't report a serial number, so the matching between the WWN in the location code and the serial number is left as an exercise for the admin ;)

Best regards,


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