> PS : On Unix people often use sockets as is easy...same for java , the
> recomendation is generally to use sockets for communicating to a process on
> the same machine to avoid the hassle and overhead of Corba / RMI . It is the
> same in .NET ,setting up remoting using sockets is trivial .

When you use a connection to localhost,, it's no longer on the wire,
correct?  So if you limit listening to localhost you would have garaunteed both
real ipc and no network access to your channel.  I have an unproven assumption
that ipc would be faster using tcp than using COM, though it is a reasonable
suggestion.  If both statements are true, you'd be hard pressed to choose COM
over tcp when you facter in all the extraneous issues COM brings into a .net
project.  I tend to feel the same way about Named pipes, though ignorance has a
lot to do with my feelings there.  Named pipes between machines have been the
source of soooo many network problems for me.

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