I may be misstating this so if I am please correct me.

There are 2 levels that objects are kept at in regards to garbage
collection. The actual name of these "levels" evades me at this moment so I
will just refer to them as level 1 and 2. With that said, the first level is
where all objects are at until the GC runs. When the GC runs it checks to
see if there are any references to the object in question. If there is a
reference then it will not destroy and collect the object(s) at that time,
what it does it pushes that object to the 2nd level. When object(s) are in
the 2nd level the GC does not look at them until memory becomes an issue for
other processes. I believe this is what Ian was talking about.

Even though you explicitly call the GC this same process takes place. So
there is not guarantee as to when an object will be taken out of memory.

As I mentioned above I may be mistaken and if so please correct me =)

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paulo Jorge F. Sacramento [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ADVANCED-DOTNET] windows service memory footprint

I hope that's true. I've had the same problem with my services, which are
written in C#. Mine are even worse. I have one that takes up 23 MB. It's
using Remoting, AppDomains, Threads, XML, some Reflection also, and other
things, but nothing that I'd think would occupy so much memory. The reason
I'm not so sure about your explanation is that I've tried explicitly calling
the GC (with System.GC() or something like that) and it didn't do much. If
what you say is right, wouldn't it be expectable that an explicit call to
the GC would release a probably big chunk of memory?

By the way, I've also had a case with a much simpler service that occupied
about 6 or 7 MB at the beggining of execution, but that after a while would
occupy only a few KBs. It was "sleeping" most of the time and did a very
rare periodical check. I guess the O.S. together with the GC take care of
releasing all unneeded resources. This also suggests that .Net services have
an heavy "start-up penalty". Any thoughts on this?

Paulo Sacramento

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Griffiths, Ian wrote:

> .NET processes will tend to grow to what looks like an alarmingly
> large size unless there is a reason for them to shrink.  The CLR does
> actually keep track of the amount of memory being used system-wide,
> and if other processes start to demand more memory, the CLR will
> trigger a garbage collect in your process, reducing the amount of
> memory that it is using.
> So the large-looking memory consumption isn't usually an issue.  If
> anything else in the system starts to need that memory, the CLR will
> give it back.
> IDispose doesn't have any bearing on this.  IDispose has nothing to do
> with memory allocation, it's just about other resources.  The fact
> that your memory usage stays constant at 18MB indicates that you're
> not leaking resources.
> If it was forever creeping upwards, then that would be something to
> worry about.  But 18MB is fairly normal.

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