On May 11, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

Hi all!

I was doing a regular update for http://perl-begin.org/ when I updated
http://perl-begin.org/mailing-lists/ and noticed that it still linked to the old Mailing lists' database at list.cpan.org. Now I learned on the CPAN
Testers mailing list that Gabor started creating a better list here:

Well, nobody asked for the data nor did anyone ever offer updates. I've maintained for quite some time that it should be tied to the list configuration from the perl.org listserv, but that never happened. I gave an account to someone a long while back for such work but they didn't do the work they offered to do.

I guess it wouldn't be perl if 10 websites containing slightly different information weren't around but you can have the mysql tables or dumps if you want them.


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