On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 11:02:32 -0700
Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, no need for URL: prefix. All urls m#(http|ftp|etc)://# are
> automatically converted into links. But it's good to have the main URL
> in the headers as your patch did.

  Then why don't the perl.apache.org and Calmaeth links have HREFs
  on these two pages? 


  These two pages are what led me to believe only the links listed in
  the URL: header were linked. 

> As we seemed to agree at the advocacy list, we shouldn't not delete
> sites that are no longer there. Just indicate that the site used to be
> "openscape.org" but is no longer with us. remove the http:// part,
> justing leaving the domain name, so it won't get linked.
> I thought we could outsmart the death, by doing:
> http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://openscape.org/
> but alas the domain squatter set the robots rule, so we can't even
> know whether there were some pages stored in the internet archives.
> But we should definitely use http://archive.org/ in the future for
> those sites that have ceased to exist, instead of removing the link.

  That works for me.  Yeah we definitely agree that we don't want to
  remove stories for sites that no longer exist, but I wasn't sure
  what we should do about sites that have changed ownership and
  are obviously not the same site.  I thought it might be confusing to
  the reader. 

  Good idea about using archive.org, I always forget that site exists.  

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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