On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 21:04:03 +0100
allan juul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 07:56 +0100, allan juul wrote:
> > 
> >>it would be cool if it somehow somehwhere were more "visible" for
> >everybody. >for instance, if ASF on the menu on http://apache.org/
> >had a big fat checked >mark and the words "Apache2 compatible" next
> >to Perl, Jakarta or which ever was >compatible with Apache2
> >(obviously many of these menuitems are not httpd->related)
> > 
> > 
> > PHP is just as compatible with apache 2 as mod_perl 2 is.  The
> > threading problems are in the libraries, which is where Perl's
> > threading problems are as well.
> aha - hmm, if that's the case why aren't *we* worried about people 
> upgrading to Apache2 like the PHP folks apparently are, as seen in the
> slashdot article ? IOW, whats the big difference in the mod_perl 
> community making an upgrade suggestion versus PHP making a non-upgrade
> suggestion if "PHP is just as compatible with apache 2 as mod_perl 2
> is" ?
> [sorry for getting a bit off topic here, but i'm just getting a little
> bit worried that the PHP folks actually are right here]

  If you're running Apache 2.0 with the prefork MPM you're fine.  It's
  essentially just like Apache 1.3.x.  Now if you're trying to use
  the threaded MPM your code might not be thread safe and/or there may
  be a threading bug due to how few people are running mp2 with a
  threaded MPM. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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