On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 12:52:17AM +0100, Ricardo Oliveira wrote:
> >Hardware is cheap, it is not relevant. 
> >Does Perl have such a wide choice of Application Servers?
> [...] Perl and 9iAS don't go together. I can live with that, can't say it makes me 
> sad :)

But Perl and 9iAS do go together. Oracle actually bundles Perl and DBI with 9aAS:


  Oracle HTTP Server: Perl and DBI/DBD Support  


  Oracle9iAS simplifies this significantly by making Perl a
  "first-class" citizen and providing all the relevant modules
  together.  Additional modules are being included in the upcoming
  release (Oracle9iAS v2).



  The continuing additions of new Perl modules to Oracle9iAS make
  it a strong platform for application development in Perl. This
  strong string manipulation language makes the task of building
  quick dynamic sites from a program quite easy.


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