[pinging back the advocacy list]

Frank Wiles wrote:
  Here is a patch for the Success Stories.  Just cleaned up some
  mispellings, obvious mistypings, and some minor grammar corrections.

Thanks Frank, committed.

  I also make sure to add URL: headings for stories that contained URLs
  in the body, but didn't list them at the top.  I'm assuming that only
  the URLs after a URL: tag get HREFs, if that isn't the case let me
  know what the regex looks for and I'll clean up the URLs in the

No, no need for URL: prefix. All urls m#(http|ftp|etc)://# are automatically converted into links. But it's good to have the main URL in the headers as your patch did.

I'm not sure about this story:


The site isn't up anymore (domain squatter has it) and it references
the site to the point the story almost doesn't make sense. I'm
leaning toward removing it, but I wanted to see what everyone else

I'll go through the sites page over the weekend.

As we seemed to agree at the advocacy list, we shouldn't not delete sites that are no longer there. Just indicate that the site used to be "openscape.org" but is no longer with us. remove the http:// part, justing leaving the domain name, so it won't get linked.

I thought we could outsmart the death, by doing:
but alas the domain squatter set the robots rule, so we can't even know whether there were some pages stored in the internet archives.

But we should definitely use http://archive.org/ in the future for those sites that have ceased to exist, instead of removing the link.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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