On Feb 5, 2013, at 10:55 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:
> So I think it is better to encourage post-Feminist / post-Buffy /
> post-Friends / etc. female hackers’ heroines. Trying to tout my own horn, here
> is some ( hopefully ) entertaining and amusing post-Buffy / post-Feminist 
> online
> literature I've written:

So self-promoting some sort of cringeworthy fantasy fem-hero fiction is somehow 
illuminating? You missed the point...

What we want to believe and what is real are often two different things, just 
as the toddlers clung to what they believed was the right answer versus 
the actual right answer. These are the lies we tell ourselves much like the 
term 'meritocracy' is so highly touted, so firmly held as a virtue of open 
source and, yet, if closely examined isn't really quite true if we're being 
completely honest with ourselves. When Larry gave the YAPC keynote in STL in 
2002 which was on the theme of more women in perl using Tolkien's pantheon of 
heroic women I cringed, not because I don't enjoy the genre, but because if 
anyone needs fewer fictional ideas about women it would be those in the 
audience nodding their heads. 

In order for change to occur, you're going to have to challenge what you 
believe to be are unassailable truths.


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