
We have some software that creates ads. When a new ad is created, we
check whether the domain of the destination URL is the same as every
other destination URL domain in that group - the ad policy of Adwords
requires that, so we enforce it before we submit the new ad.
The destination URLs are retrieved from a creative report.

Recently we retrieved a creative report, where the field
'creativedesturl' contained a very weird value: 

According to that same report, the ad type is 'richMediaAd' (?!)
although the web UI states 'Third Party Ad' (?!). (AdwordsAdvisor: see
adgroup 1290650060, creatives 3405546110 and 3405546200.)
In another instance, the ad type is also 'richMediaAd' but the web UI
now states 'Gadget Ad' (Adgroup 1448948919, creatives 4558938699,
4558938789 and more)

Obviously such URLs break my application. I know of other ad types
without destination URLs, like mobile ads, but those ads have an empty
creativedesturl. I could deal with those - return an empty URL to
suggest a NULL value.

But this URL is something else... Is this a temporary glitch of
Adwords reports, and should we actually get empty URLs? (As I
understand, they don't really have destination URLs, as the
destination URL is created dynamically)
If not, where can I find a complete list of all 'mock-up' URLs that
Adwords may report?

Thanis in advance.
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