
I have a query that works but after adding in 
"segments.conversion_attribution_event_type" into the SELECT clause, I get 
the following error:

"errors": [
"errorCode": {
"message": "Cannot select the following segments because at least one 
unsupported metric is found in SELECT or WHERE clause: 
'segments.conversion_attribution_event_type'(unsupported metrics: 
'all_conversions_from_interactions_rate', 'average_cpc', 'clicks', 
'cost_micros', 'cost_per_all_conversions', 'cost_per_conversion', 'ctr', 

My query looks like this:

"SELECT campaign.name, campaign.status, campaign.advertising_channel_type, 
campaign.start_date, campaign.end_date, metrics.impressions, 
metrics.clicks, metrics.ctr, metrics.average_cpc, metrics.cost_micros, 
metrics.conversions, metrics.cost_per_all_conversions, 
            FROM campaign
            WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS"

It looks like the segment is not compatible with some of the metric fields. 
I added in "segments.conversion_attribution_event_type" to be able to know 
if the conversion was from a signup, download, etc. Is there a way I can 
find that information another way? Also does anyone know why that segment 
is incompatible with some metrics in the SELECT? Thanks!


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