We'd been using this login-customer-id and making calls to the same 4 
client-ids for over a year without any problems, but suddenly this past 
July all of them started failing with error  "grpc_message": "The caller 
does not have permission", "grpc_status": 7

The call is running a query for click view data, and our developer token 
and client secret had also not been changed in the code.

This is from the logs and shows request id:

W, [2023-11-03T16:00:37.257597 #7] WARN -- : CID: 5489429270, Host: 
googleads.googleapis.com:443, Method: 
/google.ads.googleads.v13.services.GoogleAdsService/Search, IsFault: yes, 
Request ID: _3bwOdjsv7stgGvSjWgRzw

And here are the headers we're sending:

Outgoing request: Headers: 
gccl/21.0.0 gax/0.18.0 gapic/21.0.0 grpc/1.46.3 
pb/3.20.0","x-goog-request-params":"customer_id=5489429270"} Payload: 
{"customerId":"5489429270","query":"SELECT\n campaign.id,\n campaign.name,\n 
ad_group.name,\n ad_group.id,\n click_view.area_of_interest.region,\n 
click_view.area_of_interest.city,\n segments.slot,\n 
click_view.keyword_info.text,\n click_view.keyword_info.match_type\nFROM 
click_view\nWHERE click_view.gclid = 'CNSJ26H72b8CFcRcMgod3jMAZQ'\nAND 
segments.date = '2014-07-22'\n","returnTotalResultsCount":true} 
I'm aware usually the go-to advice is check the headers for the 
login-customer-id. In this case you can see it's being included, and this 
is the same id from the managing account we've always used. Any ideas if 
something else is to blame? Or if I simply need to tweak permissions, how I 
might do so? Thanks!

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