I am trying to setup XUnit to test my google ad manager api service. When I 
run the test, I hit this exception.

Google.Api.Ads.AdManager.Lib.AdManagerApiException: 'AdManagerApiException: 
A valid application name was not found in the request header. Please 
provide a valid application name by modifying the ApplicationName setting 
in your application's

This is my constructor which has the issue to configure *ApplicationName*

I also can't find *NetworkCode *and *AuthorizationMethod*

public class GoogleAdManagerServiceTest { private readonly 
GoogleAdManagerService _googleAdManagerService; private readonly 
AdManagerUser _user; public GoogleAdManagerServiceTest() { _user = new 
AdManagerUser(); _user.Config.ApplicationName = "xxx"; // How to configure 
ApplicationName because it cannot be found. _user.Config.OAuth2ClientId = 
"xxx"; _user.Config.OAuth2ClientSecret = "xxx"; 
_user.Config.OAuth2RefreshToken = "xxx"; _googleAdManagerService = new 
GoogleAdManagerService(_user); } [Fact] public void TestGetCompanies() { try 
{ // Arrange // Act // Assert } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.True(false, 
failed with exception: {ex.Message}"); } } } 

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