I have a question, could you please help me?
I follow the Ruby example in the official Google Ads documentation to get 
ad information, and the code is as follows:
client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Config.new do |c|
          c.client_id = 'INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE'
          c.client_secret = 'INSERT_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE'
          c.refresh_token = 'INSERT_REFRESH_TOKEN_HERE'
          c.developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE'
          c.login_customer_id = 'INSERT_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE'
        responses = client.service.google_ads.search_stream(
    customer_id: customer_id,
          query: 'SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name FROM campaign ORDER BY  
          campaign.id' )
I replaced the correct client_id, client_secret, refresh_token and 
refresh_token.The program runs normally without any errors, but the 
response I received is empty. 
This is one request id: '_xD97Uvo0mVBNdnLajcLag'.

Please help me analyze the problem, I would be extremely grateful.

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