I've created code for you (it assumes that file located in lib/
examples/v201109/ directory:

error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);

// You can set the include path to src directory or reference
// AdWordsUser.php directly via require_once.
// $path = '/path/to/aw_api_php_lib/src';
$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src';
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);

require_once 'Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/AdWordsUser.php';

try {
  // Get AdWordsUser from credentials in "../auth.ini"
  // relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.
  $user = new AdWordsUser();

  // Log SOAP XML request and response.

  // Get the CampaignCriterionService.
  $campaignCriterionService =
      $user->GetService('CampaignTargetService', 'v201109');


  $bidMutliplier = 1.0; // This mean that we should use usual bid
  $adScheduleDays = array();
  // Mon-Thur 7 a.m - 8.pm
  foreach(array('MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY') as $day)
    $adScheduleDays[] = new AdScheduleTarget($day, 7, 'ZERO', 20,
'ZERO', $bidMutliplier);
  // Fri 7 am - 5 pm
  $adScheduleDays[] = new AdScheduleTarget('FRIDAY', 7, 'ZERO',
17,'ZERO', $bidMutliplier);
  // Sat, sun - not run
  // Do not set it at all

  $adSchedule = array();
  $adSchedule[] = new AdScheduleTargetList($adScheduleDays,

  // 'SET' new schedule operations. (Not ADD)
  $operations = array();
  foreach ($adSchedule as $adScheduleOperation) {
      $operations[] = new
CampaignTargetOperation($adScheduleOperation,  'SET');

  // Make the mutate request.
  $result = $campaignCriterionService->mutate($operations);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  print $e->getMessage();

On 25 янв, 12:20, Alistair Austen <alistair.aus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have a code snippet to show how to set the schedule for a
> campaign?  For example I need to set the campaign to run;
> Mon-Thurs 7am-8pm
> Fri 7am-5pm
> Sat-Sun Not run
> I've looked through the examples included in the API and didn't spot this
> one and also found another reference to this question in the forum but the
> content the answer links to doesn't exist anymore.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Alistair

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