Hi Peter.

Glad to hear that your application is live now :)

Please, read carefully specification -
I'll quote here for you:
"Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for status, ad group ad fields
are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of
the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has
changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields
other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old

So you can't update ad with you way.

I do not remeber if I've told you - but in your case you should use
Bulk operation service (MutateJobService) in v201109.
While you've 10-100 ads your way is good, but when count of ads will
grow you will get a lot of problems - speed of update and total bill
will be not good. :)


On 27 янв, 18:39, Peter Crowley <pcrow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I got my token (after 4 months! - I think Anash helped get me across
> the line, thx).
> My app is published to the live system after a few tweaks - Hurray!
> I have a question about whether you can use SET in AdGroupAdOperation
> rather then ADD when updating the content of a textAd?
> I made the changes outlined below, the code executes without error but
> the ad did not change
> I took my 'ADD' code which works fine (but costs 40 units & you have
> to delete the old ad), changed the operator to 'SET' and added a id to
> $textAd
> #### Original 'ADD' code
> // Create text ad.
> $textAd = new TextAd();
> $textAd->headline = 'My headline';
> $textAd->description1 = 'description 1';
> $textAd->description2 = 'description 2';
> $textAd->displayUrl = 'www.example.com';
> $textAd->url = 'http://www.example.com';
> // Create ad group ad.
> $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
> $textAdGroupAd->adGroupId = 123456789;
> $textAdGroupAd->ad = $textAd;
> $textAdGroupAd->status = 'ENABLED';
> // Create operations.
> $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
> $operation->operand = $textAdGroupAd;
> $operation->operator = 'ADD';
> #### New  'SET' variant
> // Create text ad.
> $textAd = new TextAd();
> $textAd->id = 987654321;
> $textAd->headline = 'My headline';
> $textAd->description1 = 'description 1';
> $textAd->description2 = 'description 2';
> $textAd->displayUrl = 'www.example.com';
> $textAd->url = 'http://www.example.com';
> // Create ad group ad.
> $textAdGroupAd = new AdGroupAd();
> $textAdGroupAd->adGroupId = 123456789;
> $textAdGroupAd->ad = $textAd;
> $textAdGroupAd->status = 'ENABLED';
> // Create operations.
> $operation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
> $operation->operand = $textAdGroupAd;
> $operation->operator = 'SET';
> These 2 URLS only give the lightest 
> informationhttp://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/reference/latest/AdGroupAdSe...http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/reference/latest/AdGroupAdSe...
> Is there anywhere with more complete docmentation?

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