I wouldn't assume that they are incremental and stay that way. AdWords is 
probably a database, distributed over many (maybe hundreds) of servers. 
Most distributed databases don't have incremental identifiers - they have a 
different method. I could explain a straightforward method where the IDs 
appear to be incremental but are not, but I think that's not want you want 
to know.
To achieve what you want, you could use the CampaignService and filter for 
campaigns with Start Date > [previous sync date]. Technically that won't 
give you just the new campaigns: you can create a new campaign with a start 
date in the next month or next year. Still, it would vastly reduce the 
amount of campaigns that you have to check.

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:49:14 PM UTC+2, Brandon Parise wrote:

> Further clarification:
> I don't want to have to download the entire account's campaigns (using 
> CampaignService) prior to calling CustomerSyncService.  This would be a lot 
> of redundant definitions.  Instead, I want to download only those NEW 
> campaigns and then use my local DB to supply the CampaignID's to pass to 
> the CustomerSyncService.
> On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:43:59 PM UTC-4, Brandon Parise wrote:
>> Are CampaignID's incremental?
>> I am performing a CustomerSyncService operation but don't want to 
>> download the entire list of Campaign's each time.  I was thinking of using 
>> the MAX(CampaignID) from my previous sync as a predicate to only fetch 
>> *NEW* campaigns since my last sync:
>> <?php
>> $max = '12345'; // saved from my last sync (saved in local db)
>> $selector->predicates []= new \Predicate('CampaignId', 'GREATER_THAN', 
>> array($max));
>> ?>
>> So only CampaignId's > 12345 would need to be pulled down, thoughts?
>> Brandon

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