Working with AdWords API v201209. I have setup the new BudgetService 
approach, but keep getting the following message:

     InnerException = {"[EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID @ 
operations[0].operand.budget.budgetId; trigger:'BudgetId: 96414882']"}

When trying to execute:


For the following campaign:

                //Create campaign 
                campaign_C = new Campaign();

                campaign_C.idSpecified = true;
       = campaignID_l;
                //Assigning the Budget to the Campaign
                campaign_C.budget = budget_C;
                //campaign_C.budget = new Budget(); 
                campaign_C.budget.budgetId = budget_C.budgetId;

With the following operations:

                // Setup Campaign Operations
                CampaignOperations_C = new CampaignOperation[1];
                CampaignOperations_C[0] = new CampaignOperation();
                CampaignOperations_C[0].operand = campaign_C;
                CampaignOperations_C[0].@operator = Operator.SET;
                CampaignOperations_C[0].operatorSpecified = true;

Previous to these lines of code the BudgetService was created. Then the 
Budget with the correct "BudgetName" was found, and then this budgetId 
value (BudgetId: 96414882) was provided as shown to the Campaign.

I do not understand why this BudgetId is INVALID_ID? 

Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.

Best regards, 

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