Hello james!

That sounds good!! I had a very different understanding of it - I thought, 
the CampaignFeedService was used for retrieving and modifying sitelinks on 
Campaign level and the AdGroupFeedService for retrieving and modifying 
sitelinks on adgroup level and I was starting to implement it. 

But I will now start to implement it how you tell it - it would be so great 
if this would work!! :-)
Lets keep each other up to date about the progress while implementing it, 
maybe we can inform each other if it really works!

Greetings and good luck too

Am Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013 04:08:33 UTC+2 schrieb james:
> Have just started on this too. Here is my understanding:
> Sitelinks are retrieved with the FeedItemService. That gives the sitelinks 
> with all their data.
> But it also retrieves other types of FeedItems (phone numbers, offers, 
> etc).
> You need to use the FeedMappingService to generically tell if a feed item 
> is a sitelink (by checking for PlaceHolderId=1). There are assumption based 
> shortcuts you could use such as looking at the FeedService::feedName, but I 
> don't like risk - and not sure about other language accounts. 
> Feed Items (including sitelinks) exist "above" campaigns.  
> Then the campaignFeedService (or AdgroupFeedService) is used to link these 
> sitelink feed items to multiple campaigns and/or adgroups.
> So the approach I am looking to implement is:
> 1 - FeedMappingService::get
>     Store the results in a hash keyed on feedMappingId
> 2 - FeedItemService::get
>     For each one look up validationDetails.feedMappingId in the hash. If 
> the hashed placeholderId == 1 its a sitelink
>     Save the sitelinks to our system
> 3 - CampaignFeedService::get / AdgroupFeedService::get
>     Find the matching feedItemIds (think this will have to be the matching 
> function)
>     Store the links between sitelinks and campaigns/adgroups in our system
> 4 - FeedItemService::put
>     If you want to modify the sitelinks themselves (change URLs etc)
> 5 - CampaignFeedService::put / AdgroupFeedService::put
>     If you want to change which Campaigns/Adgroups the sitelinks are 
> attached to
> Now Google have made this all MUCH more complicated than it was. So I am 
> assuming there has to be some kind of payoff for it coming down the track. 
> I guess the advantage for them is they don't need to keep adding new 
> services as they come up with new AdExtensions. But this new Feed model 
> is VERY generic and thus quite daunting when you first start. As I said 
> I've just started on this and am learning each day myself.
> Good luck
> On Friday, July 5, 2013 12:54:56 AM UTC+10, gai-t...@etracker.de wrote:
>> Hello,
>> we use Adwords API 201302 and we are wondering how to retrieve and modify 
>> upgraded sitelinks with the new FeedServices.
>> If we have a campaignId, how can we get all the Sitelinks for this 
>> campaignId including some more information like e.g. destinationUrl, 
>> displayText, campaignName, extensionId and sitelinksIndex.
>> Shall we use the CampaignFeedService for this? (I read something about 
>> AdGroupFeedService too, but I believe sitelinks are retrieved with 
>> CampaignFeedService?)
>> And how can we then modify the sitelink with the API? 
>> Using CampaignFeedService.mutate? Or do we need to remove the old sitelink 
>> and to add the new one? (Before, we used CampaignAdExtensionService...)
>> Is there any example of it? We only found examples for adding new 
>> sitelinks. Do we need to make any more calls (with other Services) to 
>> achieve what we want to do? Like creating first a FeedService and a 
>> FeedItemService - some of the examples used them before adding new 
>> sitelinks, but we don't know if we need it for already existing sitelinks 
>> which we just want to modify...
>> An answer would be great, thank you!
>> A. Bregas

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