Hi all,

I am familarizing myself with AdWords API and Shopping Campaign (Java 
version). I have an online shop with a hierachy of categories and products, 
and I could successfully publish all products to the merchant center. Now I 
want to use Product Listing Ads via creation of shopping campaigns.

Under this link 
<https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/shopping> I 
understand that there can be multiple ShoppingCampaigns for my shop, 
multiple AdGroups under each ShoppingCampaign.

To illustrate my questions, let assume my shop contains the following 
Furniture > Futtons [ futtonsId ]
Electronics > Components > Transformers [ transformersId ]

My questions are:
1. Can an AdGroup have multiple Partitionings?
2. Can different AdGroups have the same Partitioning?
3. Does a Partitioning always cover the entire hierachy of my shop's 
categories and products, or only those that are set with a bidAmount will 
appear in PLA? (e.g., only Futtons beds appear but not Transformers)
4. Say, I have two campaigns C1 and C2, both containing the 'Futtons' 
category. Does that mean C1.Futtons and C2.Futtons have separate CPC 
statistics that are accumulated separately by C1 and C2?
5. The same question (4) but applied for AdGroups?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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