Hi Luca,

The only change that I'm aware of that's related to that announcement is 
that there is now a KeywordMatchSetting 
 on* Campaign.settings 
allows you to opt in or out of the new behavior.

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 25, 2014 12:17:30 PM UTC-4, Luca Fiaschi wrote:
> Hi Josh, 
> thanks and sorry for going off topic.
> Can you confirm that nothing changes on the API side regarding 
> announcement ?
> http://adwords.blogspot.de/2012/04/new-matching-behavior-for-phrase-and.html
> Also, do you know whether the algorithm for computing close variants is it 
> published anywhere?
> Thanks,
> Luca
> On Monday, August 25, 2014 3:58:03 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Luca,
>> For questions like this that are not API-specific, please either contact 
>> general AdWords Help through the Help Center 
>> <https://support.google.com/adwords/?hl=en#topic=3119071> or post your 
>> question to the AdWords Community forum 
>> <https://www.en.adwords-community.com/>.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Monday, August 25, 2014 8:40:18 AM UTC-4, Luca Fiaschi wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> I would like to understand better how close variants work and whether 
>>> this opportunity can be used to simplify the accounts structure:
>>> My questions are the following:
>>> 1) We see that keywords like "nike shoes" can be triggered by 
>>> mispellings like "nik shoes" or singular/ plural variants like "nike 
>>> shoe" The question is: do we lose traffic if we book only one version 
>>> instead of all variants? 
>>> Conversely, does the kw quality score increases if it is not booked in 
>>> all variants?
>>> 2) Is it meaningful to book all broad modifier permutations such as 
>>> "+nike +shoes" vs "+shoes +nike" ?
>>> 3) Should the conjunctions be booked in broad or broad modifier "+nike 
>>> +shoes in +paris"  vs "+nike +shoes +in +paris"
>>> 4) I also noticed that keywords can be triggered by alternative 
>>> spellings of the word: for example "barcelona fc" is triggered by 
>>> "barcelona football club". Is this true also the other way around? In other 
>>> words, does (as search term) "barcelona football club" triggers also 
>>> "barcellona fc" (as keyword) ?
>>> In general I would like to know if a simplification of our account would 
>>> payoff in terms of more concentrated kw statistics (which could increase 
>>> quality score) and in terms of lighter account management without 
>>> penalizing in term of reduced traffic.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Luca

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