
I have been  working on Google Adword API and am using PHP client sdk to 
request the SOAP call.
I have gone through the basic setup process.
I have created a Production MCC account and got a developer  Token from 
there which is pending from an email address.
So to test i created another Test MCC account using another email account.
>From this test MCC account , i created a test adword account which itself 
by default got linked, this got me my clientCustomerId
Now to get client id and client secret , I used the google console to 
create a project and create the client id. I used  Web Application Type to 
create the client id and put the redirection url 
to https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground
In the playground , i specified  client id , secret key in the setting and 
then the scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords to authorize, which 
got me the authorization code which then i exchanged to get referesh token 
 and access token.
Now when i use them in my file , till the time i access the user object , i 
get everything , but lets suppose i want to get a list of campaign then it 
shows the following error :

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] 
[AuthenticationError.OAUTH_TOKEN_INVALID @ ; trigger:'<null>'] in 
Stack trace: #0 
SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL, Array, Array) #1 
AdsSoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array) #2 
CampaignService->get(Object(Selector)) #3 {main} thrown in 
on line 231

Meanwhile , here is the code , with keys removed


$path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib'; 
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . 
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . 

define("OAUTH_CLIENT_ID", "[****]");
define("OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET", "[****]");
define("OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN", "[****]");
define("OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN", "[*****]");
define("CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID", "[*****]");
define("DEVELOPER_TOKEN", "[****]");
define("API_VERSION", "v201409");
$user = new AdWordsUser();


    "client_id" => OAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
    "client_secret" => OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,
    "access_token" => OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN,
    "refresh_token" => OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN
$user->LoadService('ReportDefinitionService', API_VERSION);

// Get a list of campaigns
$campaignService = $user->GetService('CampaignService', API_VERSION);
$selector = new Selector();
$selector->fields = array('Id', 'Name');
$campaigns = $campaignService->get($selector);


Please help me out !
I am not able to find a way out

Abhishek Dutt

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