
(I attempted to post earlier this morning, but don't see the post on the 
forum so I'm reposting.  Sorry for any duplicates if prior post exists).

I would like to create a feed that contains callout text for adgroup 
callout extensions.  I want to create a separate feed from the 'Main 
callout feed' that's automatically populated when using the 
adGroupExtensionSettingService as these callouts will be specific to 
adgroups in certain campaigns only, and I do not want to fill the main 
callout feed with these callouts. 

I found 
which seems to imply that you can specify the feedItemId to reuse an 
existing callout extension, but I'm not sure that includes a user defined 

I'm using the 201607 level of the php API.   I'm able to create the feed, 
feedItems and feedMapping to specify the CALLOUT placeholder.  When calling 
the adGroupExtensionSettingService with the feedId and feedItemId of the 
callout I wish to add, I get an error from the API.

object(SoapFault)#113 (10) {
  string(130) "*[EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID *@ 

*FeedItem from the Feed:*

FeedItem Object
*    [feedId] => 45012406*
*    [feedItemId] => 9897330092*
    [status] => ENABLED
    [startTime] => 
    [endTime] => 
    [attributeValues] => Array
            [0] => FeedItemAttributeValue Object
*                    [feedAttributeId] => 1*
                    [integerValue] => 
                    [doubleValue] => 
                    [booleanValue] => 
*                    [stringValue] => Utility*
                    [integerValues] => 
                    [doubleValues] => 
                    [booleanValues] => 
                    [stringValues] => 
                    [moneyWithCurrencyValue] => 


    [policyData] => 
    [devicePreference] => 
    [scheduling] => 
    [campaignTargeting] => 
    [adGroupTargeting] => 
    [keywordTargeting] => 
    [geoTargeting] => 
    [geoTargetingRestriction] => 
    [urlCustomParameters] => 

FeedMapping for the feed/feedItem:

    [4] => FeedMapping Object
            [feedMappingId] => 47676708
*            [feedId] => 45012406*
*            [placeholderType] => 17*
*            [status] => ENABLED*
            [attributeFieldMappings] => Array
                    [0] => AttributeFieldMapping Object
*                            [feedAttributeId] => 1*
*                            [fieldId] => 1*


            [criterionType] => 

*Attempted AdGroupExtensionSetting:*

*AdGroupExtensionSetting* Object
  *  [adGroupId] => 38646523193*
*    [extensionType] => CALLOUT*
    [extensionSetting] => ExtensionSetting Object
            [extensions] => Array
                    [0] => CalloutFeedItem Object
                            [calloutText] => Utility
*                            [feedId] => 45012406*
*                            [feedItemId] => 9897330092*
                            [status] => 
                            [feedType] => 
                            [startTime] => 
                            [endTime] => 
                            [devicePreference] => 
                            [scheduling] => 
                            [campaignTargeting] => 
                            [adGroupTargeting] => 
                            [keywordTargeting] => 
                            [geoTargeting] => 
                            [geoTargetingRestriction] => 
                            [policyData] => 
                            [ExtensionFeedItemType] => 
                            [_parameterMap:ExtensionFeedItem:private] => 
                                    [ExtensionFeedItem.Type] => 



            [platformRestrictions] => NONE


I was able to successfully add a callout by specifying the feedItemId of a 
feedItem in the 'Main Callout Feed' feed using the 
adGroupExtensionSettingService, but not one from my user defined feed.  Is 
this possible, or does the adGroupExtensionSettingService require you to 
use the 'Main Callout Feed'?   This sort of seems like the case as the 
calloutFeedItem says the feedId is read only.  If I can't specify the 
feedId to my feed, then I'm assuming it adGroupExtensionSettingService uses 
specific feeds for the extensions it creates.

I really wanted to avoid using agroupFeedService/mapping function, but it 
appears that's what might be necessary to use my own feed for callouts. 

Any help (even confirmation that adGroupExtensionSettingService can't be 
used in this case) will be greatly appreciated.


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