
How to set the computer through the API?

I look for the document and do not have this target

I use the developer tools in Adwords backstage to find the relevant ID

0:{1: 221847061, 2: 927938043, 3: 30000, 4: 444, 11: false, 12: 0, 13:30, 
15: 1}
1:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "30002", 4: "444", 11: false, 12: 0, 
13:30, 15: 1}
2:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508004", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 
15: 1}
3:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508005", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 
15: 1}
4:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508007", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 
15: 1}
5:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508008", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 
15: 1}
6:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508009", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 
15: 1}

I can confirm is 30000 Desktop
3002 is the tablet

Please, help me, how to set other targets

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