Hi Sreelakshmi, 

I have exactly the same error on python. 
In both cases me and Michael are using the example of a Media Bundle 
provided by Google: 'https://goo.gl/9Y7qI2'
I have also tried creating my own simple HTML5 consisting only of an image 
in Google Web Designer and got same error. 

Mistake response: 

<suds.sax.document.Document object at 0x1075fddd8>
Response summary - {'requestId': 0005651ad02a66600a379b4379097203, 
'responseTime': 297, 'serviceName': MediaService, 'methodName': upload, 
'operations': 1, 'isFault': True, 'faultMessage': 
'[MediaBundleError.INVALID_MEDIA_BUNDLE @ media[0].data]'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 123, in PatchedHttpTransportSend
    fp = self.u2open(u2request)
line 132, in u2open
    return url.open(u2request, timeout=tm)
line 532, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
line 642, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
line 570, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
line 504, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
line 650, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 613, in send
    reply = self.options.transport.send(request)
line 134, in PatchedHttpTransportSend
    raise suds.transport.TransportError(e.msg, e.code, e.fp)
suds.transport.TransportError: Internal Server Error

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 64, in <module>
line 43, in main
    response = media_service.upload(media)
line 767, in MakeSoapRequest
    self._packer) for arg in args])
line 521, in __call__
    return client.invoke(args, kwargs)
line 581, in invoke
    result = self.send(soapenv)
line 619, in send
    description=tostr(e), original_soapenv=original_soapenv)
line 670, in process_reply
    raise WebFault(fault, replyroot)
suds.WebFault: Server raised fault: '[MediaBundleError.INVALID_MEDIA_BUNDLE 
@ media[0].data]'

Process finished with exit code 1

"""This example uploads an HTML5 zip file.
from src import base_dir, config_chain, key_paths
import base64
import urllib.request
from googleads import adwords

API_VERSION = config_chain["adwords"]["api_version"]
PATH_ADWORDS_CREDENTIALS = key_paths["adwords"]
MAIN_MCC_ID = config_chain["adwords"]["main_client_customer_id"]
TEST_ACCOUNT_ID = config_chain["adwords"]["test_account_id"]

def main(client):
  # Initialize appropriate service.
  media_service = client.GetService('MediaService', version=API_VERSION)
  # Create HTML5 media.
  base64_encoded_html5_zip = GetBase64EncodedHTML5ZipFromUrl(
  # Create a media bundle containing the zip file with all the HTML5 components.
  media = [{
      'xsi_type': 'MediaBundle',
      'data': base64_encoded_html5_zip,
      'type': 'MEDIA_BUNDLE'
  # Upload HTML5 zip.
  response = media_service.upload(media)

  if response:
    for media in response:
          'HTML5 media with ID %d, dimensions %dx%d, and MIME type "%s" '
          'uploaded successfully.' %
          (media['mediaId'], media['dimensions'][0]['value']['width'],
           media['dimensions'][0]['value']['height'], media['mimeType']))

def GetBase64EncodedHTML5ZipFromUrl(url):
  """Retrieve zip file from the given URL."""
  response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
  # Note: The utf-8 decode is for 2to3 Python 3 compatibility.
  return base64.b64encode(response.read()).decode('utf-8')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # Initialize client object.
  adwords_client = 

Thank you,

On Monday, 8 January 2018 20:27:10 UTC+1, Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords 
API Team) wrote:
> Hi Michael, 
> It looks like the media bundle that you are trying to upload has some 
> issues. Could you please follow this 
> <https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6335679?authuser=0&hl=en> guide 
> to validate your media bundle? Once you are able to fix the issues with 
> that, the API call should work fine.
> Thanks,
> Sreelakshmi, AdWords API Team

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