Hey all!

I am having some difficulty trying to pull the targetCPA for a specific 
campaign. Here is what I have, I am using the selector to pull the campaign 
that I need but when I look at the attributes returned it does not provide 
the bidding strategy details. 

campaign_service = client.GetService('CampaignService', version='v201802')

    selector = {
        'fields': ['Name'],
        'predicates': {
            'field': 'Id',
            'operator': 'EQUALS',
            'values': campaignID

    campaign = campaign_service.get(selector)

Here is What is returned

    'totalNumEntries': 1,
    'Page.Type': 'CampaignPage',
    'entries': [
            'id': *********,
            'campaignGroupId': None,
            'name': '***********',
            'status': None,
            'servingStatus': None,
            'startDate': None,
            'endDate': None,
            'budget': None,
            'conversionOptimizerEligibility': None,
            'adServingOptimizationStatus': None,
            'frequencyCap': None,
            'settings': [],
            'advertisingChannelType': None,
            'advertisingChannelSubType': None,
            'networkSetting': None,
            'labels': [],
            'biddingStrategyConfiguration': None,
            'campaignTrialType': None,
            'baseCampaignId': None,
            'forwardCompatibilityMap': [],
            'trackingUrlTemplate': None,
            'finalUrlSuffix': None,
            'urlCustomParameters': None,
            'vanityPharma': None,
            'selectiveOptimization': None

Anyone have any idea? 

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