
So we finally have our tool working and building a shopping campaign based 
off of our stock levels. 

at 4AM the cron job will run.....

*Currently - *The script deletes the existing Ad Group and then Re-Builds a 
new Ad Group and then adds Product Groups in. 

*How we want it to run - *The script will run in the morning and update the 
ad group and then update any of the product groups that need new bids 

*Why we want to change it - *The reason behind wanting to update rather 
than delete and re-create is because the Ad Group reporting is not working 
properly as each day we have a new Ad Group. Also we are sending over 7,000 
requests a day. This is fine as we have the higher API access so as long as 
we send in 2 requests less than 5000 we have no problems. 

*Issues I am facing - *So I can skip the Ad Group delete and use the 
existing Ad Group ID however I am unable to find any type of *EDIT *

I use the below code to create a partition 

ProductPartitions::createUnit($mainPart, $newPart);

Is there any type of function that is editUnit or editPartition that I can 
call, this way rather than 7,000+ requests daily we would only send the 
required amount of updates.

Also is there another way I can stop the reports from being per Ad Group? 
and have them per Campaign instead? would I need to use the Reporting API 
for this ? 

Apologies for the million questions I am one final step away from having 
our Ad's / Shopping API working perfectly. 


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