
Thank you for reaching out. In Google Ads API perspective, page_token and
next_page_token doesn't have to be specified. These two are automatically
generated when you execute your request. So for example, you have 300 ads
and you set the page_size to 100, when you execute the request, the API
will generate a response with the next_page_token together with the first
100 results. Then, the API will automatically make an API call until it
retrieves all the results.

Feel free to write back if you have further clarifications.

Google Ads API Team

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On 05/15/19 03:45:29 jarrodthue...@gmail.com wrote:

I've seen the obvious response to paging issues "use a library", but I
don't have that ability. I have to use cURL.

Here's what the documentation states about paging:
Making a request

The search method requires a SearchGoogleAdsRequest
which consists of the following attributes:

   - A customer_id.
   - A Google Ads Query Language query that indicates which resource to
   query, the attributes, segments, and metrics to retrieve, and the
   conditions to use to restrict which objects are returned.
   - A page_size to indicate how many objects to return in a single
   response when using paging
   - An optional page_token to retrieve the next batch of results when
   using paging

For more information on the Google Ads Query Language, check out the Google
Ads Query Language guide

and on paging:
Paging through results

Whenever you are retrieving a large number of objects, you'll want to
specify the page_size in your request. This will break up the result set of
the query into multiple responses that each contain up to page_size objects.

For example, if your account contains 50,000 keywords, the result set for
the following query will contain 50,000 GoogleAdsRow objects:

SELECT ad_group.id, ad_group_criterion.type, ad_group_criterion.criterion_id, ad_group_criterion.keyword.text, ad_group_criterion.keyword.match_type
FROM ad_group_criterion
WHERE ad_group_criterion.type = KEYWORD

To avoid receiving a single response containing all rows in the result set,
you can specify a page_size of 1000 so that the Google Ads API will return
only the first one thousand rows in the first response, along with a
next_page_token. To retrieve the next one thousand rows, simply send the
request again, but update the request's page_token to the response's

So my question is where do I specify the page_token?


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