
We've been building on top of AdWords API for 5 years now. Our integration 
has gone through solid time of stress testing and have a very stable server 
code base now. AdWords API has been very stable lately, as it's around 10 
years old. This new Google Ads API is a massive undertaking, and I'm trying 
to understand what really is the benefit here? I read that it's using a 
different protocol and is strong typed, but the current API is working just 

This whole migration will cost us so many man-months of coding and testing 
and stabilization afterwards. I would imageine hundreds of millions of 
dollars worth of pain and agony we have to go through collectively 
(globally, all Google API customers). And what do we exactly gain? 

1- There are no new scenarios or functionality enabled with the new APIs, 
am I missing something?
2- Some concepts and API services do not exist in new API, such 
as AdCustomizerFeedService, which seems that the new API is not fully ready 
3- There's a note about how the new gRPC protocol is implemented more 
efficiently than SOAP/XML. Well, the web as we know today is completely 
fine using SOAP/XML. Google's current APIs are running very well and fast. 
So what is exactly gained by switching to an entirely new protocol?

For us to fully migrate and stabilize the new code base, it will definitely 
take over 1 year of effort. I'm guessing there's more customers out there 
who share similar views. 

My question here for Google is : Why not keep supporting the previous 
AdWords API and keep publishing new versions? Looks like you guys changed 
the object model to be more in tune with the new AdWords UI. But why does 
that force you to stop supporting the AdWords API? Looks like both APIs 
have been tested to work side by side, so looks like a lot of work has been 
done from your end to support AdWords API in parallel with the new API. 

I'm trying to understand the rationale behind this massively costly 
industry-wide move, where it seems that there's no benefit or gain to us. 
Please help us understand how this new API is worth spending hundreds of 
millions of dollars from your partners point of view.

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