One minor edit. I am downloading clicks and impressions for the objects 
using Ad performance report and Keyword performance report and in those 
reports, I see clicks and impressions for keywords tagged under Video 
campaigns which are not originally brought in using CampaignServiceInterface


On Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 3:30:54 PM UTC-7, Sriram V wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am syncing down the objects from Google using CampaignServiceInterface 
> of adwords axis v201809 jar. I am getting bunch of campaigns and their sub 
> types for my account. As I see all of those campaigns I sync down using 
> this API has advertisingChannelType as SEARCH. 
> Now I download the clicks and impressions for the campaigns under my 
> account using CampaignPerformanceReport and there I get Video campaigns as 
> well which was not part of my original sync. This causes differences 
> between between my object sync and cost sync as cost sync brings in new 
> objects that are not in the system. Kindly let me know if this is expected 
> what is the recommendation to overcome this. 
> The SOAP request that is being made from adwords axis jar: 
> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
> " xmlns:xsd=""; xmlns:xsi="
>     <soapenv:Header>
>         <ns1:RequestHeader xmlns:ns1="
>"; soapenv:mustUnderstand=
> "0">
>             <ns1:clientCustomerId>748-885-7805</ns1:clientCustomerId>
>             <ns1:developerToken>REDACTED</ns1:developerToken>
>             <ns1:userAgent>********</ns1:userAgent>
>             <ns1:validateOnly>false</ns1:validateOnly>
>             <ns1:partialFailure>false</ns1:partialFailure>
>         </ns1:RequestHeader>
>     </soapenv:Header>
>     <soapenv:Body>
>         <get xmlns="";>
>             <serviceSelector>
>                 <fields>AdvertisingChannelType</fields>
>                 <fields>AdvertisingChannelSubType</fields>
>                 <fields>EndDate</fields>
>                 <fields>Id</fields>
>                 <fields>Name</fields>
>                 <fields>ServingStatus</fields>
>                 <fields>Settings</fields>
>                 <fields>StartDate</fields>
>                 <fields>Status</fields>
>                 <fields>TimeUnit</fields>
>             </serviceSelector>
>         </get>
>     </soapenv:Body>
> </soapenv:Envelope>
> Thanks,
> Sriram 

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