Hi there,

I was trying to create ad group ad by referring to these docs - guide1 
 & guide2 
I don't quite understand how to add Image and Video assets - for 
AdImageAsset what should i put for resource name, is it the url? And for 
AdVideoAsset, i tried with the youtube_video_id (11 char id), getting 
"RESOURCE_NAME_MALFORMED is malformed: expected 
\'customers/{customer_id}/assets/{part_1}\'." error. Could you please 
help?  Below is my code snippet and my confused part is highlighted in red. 
Would be great if you could provide working example.

Thanks, Naomi

AdTextAsset headline =
                .setText(StringValue.of(String.format("This is a headline.")))

AdTextAsset description =
                .setText(StringValue.of(String.format("This is a 

AdVideoAsset video =

AppAdInfo appAdInfo = AppAdInfo.newBuilder()

// Wraps the info in an Ad object.
Ad ad =

// Builds the final ad group ad representation.
AdGroupAd adGroupAd =

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