I am trying to get Locations saved in campaign by our user through adwords 
api. We are using CampaignCriterionService to get the list of Locations and 
Proximity, but i am only getting the location id's in the response. 
How do i get* Location Name, Proximity radius and the location address of 
the proximity* from the api.

I added snippet of my code showing the selectors . if i am sending 
incorrect selectors. can you guide me what are the proper selectors to get 
the reuirements i mentioned above,

using (CampaignCriterionService campaignCriterionService = 
                // Create the selector.
                Selector selector = new Selector()
                    fields = new string[]
                    predicates = new Predicate[]
Predicate.Equals(CampaignCriterion.Fields.CampaignId, campaignID)
                    paging = Paging.Default

                CampaignCriterionPage page = new CampaignCriterionPage();

Thank You,
Pradeep Datla.

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