Hi Andrew,

I appreciate the follow up.

The Google Ads API example is great and will be utilized, however the two 
pieces of information in there are really what we're looking to immediately 


I understand the gmbEmailAddress to be the email address that is associated 
with the GMB Account for whomever the feed is being set up for.

I understand the businessAccountIdentifier to be the numerical part of the 
resource name of the GMB Account.

Our company acts as an agency for many clients. We have Google Ads API 
credentials for our clients and mutate Ads objects on their behalf. 
Obviously the end goal here is to also handle setting up Location 
Extensions for our clients as well, as programmatically as possible.

My current scope of questions broadly boils down to:

1) If one of our clients has a pre-existing GMB account setup, how do we go 
about discovering that via the GMB API or the Ads API? Are we to create a 
Search Location request and see if anything is attached to the address? I 
realize that is mostly a GMB related question but the current documentation 
/ support on the GMB side of things is a bit lacking.

2) If our client does have a GMB account setup, but it's not currently 
associated with our GMB credentials or really associated with our company 
at all, is there a mechanism to programmatically send a invite from our 
company side to the GMB account holder to allow us access to their account? 
Can we programmatically accept the invite on their behalf if we have their 
Google Ads credentials?

3) My current understanding is that in order to get the GMB email address 
and the GMB account identifier, you must have authorized access to the GMB 
account ( ie. it's under your umbrella after going through something like 
question 2 ). Is it possible to setup Location Extensions for a client if 
they are not under your GMB ownership? ie. if you have their GMB email and 
their GMB account identifier can you setup Location Extensions for them 
even if there's been no other linking?

4) Aside from the email / account identifier attributes used in the setup 
examples listed prior, are there any other Ads API mechanisms to get more 
information or send invitations to GMB accounts? 

A lot of this is GMB in scope, so if you have anyone specific over on the 
GMB team you can send me contact info for that would be fantastic. 

The GMB / Location Extensions integration has been a serious slog with a 
lot of banging our heads on the walls, so any other documentation or full 
end to end examples would be great.

The Ads API integration is not the hard part. Getting the GMB email address 
and business account identifier has been the uphill battle.


On Friday, June 19, 2020 at 3:12:20 PM UTC-4, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> Thank you for reaching out. 
> Regarding your third question, the documentation that Nirmitabahen 
> previously linked 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/location-extensions/google-ads-location-extensions>
> is indeed the current guide for using GMB with location extensions, and is 
> analogous to the AdWords.  Both AdWords and Google Ads APIs provide code 
> examples for integrating GMB and location extensions with their included 
> examples; you can find these in the Examples/Extensions directory for each 
> client library.  Here 
> <https://github.com/googleads/google-ads-java/blob/master/google-ads-examples/src/main/java/com/google/ads/googleads/examples/extensions/AddGoogleMyBusinessLocationExtensions.java>,
> for example, is the Java version.
> If these resources do not meet your needs, could you please provide some 
> details as to the difficulties that you're encountering?
> Thank you,
> Andrew, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q20Z1iu:ref

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