Hi, I'm trying to use Google Ads Scripts to download RSA ad details 
via ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines from the AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT as shown 
below, but instead of getting the output with all headlines as I remember 
getting in the past, I'm getting outputs such as " ["[object 
Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object 
Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]","[object Object]"]".

Could you help point me towards how I could get the actual RSA headline and 
description text components? 

    "SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, Id, AdStrengthInfo, 
ResponsiveSearchAdHeadlines, ResponsiveSearchAdDescriptions, 
ResponsiveSearchAdPath1, ResponsiveSearchAdPath2 " +
    "AND CampaignStatus = ENABLED " +
    "AND AdGroupStatus = ENABLED " +
    "AND Status = ENABLED"

Thanks in advance!

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