That was antenna height AGL.  I’ll look up the system gains when I can, but I 
think it was something else -  I have my suspicions..

Sent from my iPad

> On May 17, 2019, at 6:50 PM, <> <> wrote:
> I thought the license said 4.5m antennas. 
> I wonder what the system gain is comparing Cambium and Aviat?
> From: Tim Hardy
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 4:12 PM
> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Cambium
> I researched this some and here’s some additional information:
> The original Bald - Passive - Castle Pk path was built in the 1992 time frame 
> and it was 2.1 GHz digital.  The 2.1 GHz radios and antennas were changed out 
> to 11 GHz when the 2.1 GHz band was reallocated to PCS in 2010.  PCS 
> licensees were required to reimburse current 2.1 licensees’ total cost for a 
> comparable system in another band.
> The 11 GHz path is using 10’ antennas (not 15’!), Andrew HP10-107F models 
> with 48.3 dBi gain.  It was originally installed with Alcatel MDR-8611-135 
> TDM radios operating fixed modulation at 64 QAM (ACM was not available back 
> then, and it wasn't legal anyway).  It appears that this old TDM system was 
> seriously power limited (15 dBm maximum on both sides) and I assume that this 
> was due to extreme frequency congestion in the area (but thats just an 
> assumption, but another reason why big shrouded antennas would be necessary).
> The Bald - Moab path was originally built in 1992 and licensed to Mountain 
> Bell (the records are kinda sketchy) and it has two duplex 6 GHz pairs and 
> two duplex 11 GHz pairs.
> When they decided to change from TDM to IP they naturally wanted to re-use 
> existing plant as much as possible.  I have no idea why the Cambium system 
> had issues, but can guess that the problems were probably in installing and 
> provisioning the radios properly.  It’s curious that they apparently had no 
> reported propagation issues with the old TDM radios on the two paths.
> The licensing is correct as they described it.  Bald Mesa - Moab has 
> applications on-file for the Aviat WTM radio and they can operate under 
> conditional authority - the second hop has not been filed for yet.
> Someone mentioned using space diversity antennas as a way to reduce antenna 
> size - these would have no-effect in a rain limited situation (they mentioned 
> fog and didn't  say anything about multipath).
>> On May 17, 2019, at 3:22 PM, <> <> wrote:
>> Yep.  I spent about 15 minutes with Radio Mobile and found a spot in the 
>> valley floor they could move to and eliminate the passive.  The spot is near 
>> their existing land lines, it has visiblility to the remote and power, so 
>> they could do an active repeater there if they did not want to plow cable to 
>> it. 
>> From: Bill Prince
>> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 12:56 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Cambium
>> That size antenna on a mountain top and a passive repeater? Sheesh.
>> bp
>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>> On 5/17/2019 11:20 AM, wrote:
>>> 4.6 Meter antennas.  15’  Wow.  48.3 dBi
>>> From:
>>> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 12:18 PM
>>> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Cambium
>>> Thanks
>>> Looks like Frontier did not update their license ...
>>> 11 Ghz  Still shows Alcate MDR-8611-135 radio.
>>> 16 km on one side 1 km on the other side of the billboard. 
>>> That seems to be the requirement for billboards,  very short leg on one 
>>> side. 
>>> From: Cassidy B. Larson
>>> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 12:14 PM
>>> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Cambium
>>> Maybe this one?
>>> Contact is Frontier..
>>> -- 
>>> ----
>>> Cassidy B. Larson
>>> CTO - InfoWest, Inc.
>>> Voice: 435-773-6073
>>> ----
>>>> On May 17, 2019, at 12:03 PM, <> <> wrote:
>>>> Cambium is getting torn up at a Utah Public Service Commission hearing 
>>>> this morning. 
>>>> Frontier installed a pair of Cambium something between Bald Mesa and 
>>>> Castle Valley Utah in December to change out a TDM radio. 
>>>> Bad fading on Cambium. 
>>>> A resort ranch filed a complaint and I am listening to he hearing this 
>>>> morning.  Frontier is complaining that they got no support from Cambium.  
>>>> The radios would work for 3 or 4 days and then troubles would come again 
>>>> over and over.  Frontier changed out the Cambium radio in March. 
>>>> They removed Cambium and said they have removed them as a vendor company 
>>>> wide. 
>>>> They changed to Aviat.  Supposedly the new radios fixed everything.  
>>>> Typing this as I am listening to the hearing.
>>>> The ranch still had some problems after changing to Aviat.  Frontier says 
>>>> that the the new radios fixed everything.  The new radio has not had any 
>>>> drop outs. 
>>>> This is a two hop system.  They are changing out cambium on the second leg 
>>>> with Aviat soon.  Passive repeater system on the second leg.  Fog causes 
>>>> fading.  Drops modulation down to low QAM levels.  Frontier claims the 
>>>> second Aviat radio will make this network flawless.  When asked what that 
>>>> means Frontier answered 99.99%
>>>> Frontier is in process to take action against Cambium.  CAF money was used 
>>>> to buy the Cambium radios.
>>>> Second leg is scheduled for commissioning next week. 
>>>> Someone should take a look at this license and tell me the details on that 
>>>> passive repeater side.  I am curious as to the leg distances.  Too lazy to 
>>>> look it up.  Frontier Telephone Company or whatever they are called now.  
>>>> Moab to Bald Mesa.  Bald Mesa to Castle Valley.  Passive on the second 
>>>> leg.    I am betting these are 6 GHz links with huge antennas. 
>>>> -- 
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