Last time I looked in to them they are not suitable for super cold sites.  They 
make copious amounts of water which tends to freeze them up.  

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 6:08 PM
To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] generator suggestions

I seem to  remember there was discussion here about fuel cells at one point.  
Doing a Google search and clicking on a result at random, I see this:



From: AF <> On Behalf Of Daniel White
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 6:59 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] generator suggestions


The Long Lines sites I've visited in Colorado at that altitude had diesel 
generators but they were also not off-grid.  I know the comm site at Almagre 
Mountain was a huge remediation issue with the diesel tanks there.

Check out the Cummins Onan 5.5HGJAE-2144.  Since it is designed for RV type 
applications it has a dedicated exhaust port.


     Daniel White
            Co-Founder - Business Development & Operations
            phone: +1 (702) 470-2766
            direct: +1 (702) 470-2770

Sean Heskett wrote on 9/9/19 16:13:

  Hello fellow borg members,


  We will be building an off grid (solar) tower site at 10,000 feet MSL that 
receives over 500 inches of snow and has a typical settled snow depth of 10 
feet. (I know, we are crazy, but people need internet lol ;)  


  Because of the deep snow it will be necessary to put the generator inside the 
telecom shelter that we are building, otherwise it would get buried.  It also 
needs to be propane because at that altitude and temp diesel fuel will gel up 
and refuse to start. At other sites we have typically used a Generac Ecogen 
15kW propane generator.  Everyone I talk to says "you can't put a generator 
indoors" but in this case I have to, and this isn't living space this is a 
telecom shelter on the top of a mountain.  The Ecogen seems un-good for this 
application because it doesn't seem to have one small exhaust port, it's the 
whole side of the unit.  


  So i'm looking for a propane generator that is:

  1. 5kW or bigger

  2.  has 2 wire start (it needs to be smart enough to handle the choke and 
throttle etc. to start when i close a relay)

  3. can be installed inside the shelter

  4. is super reliable because i don't want to visit this site in the winter


  any ideas??






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