Answers (at least the ones I have) are inline.

> On Sep 17, 2019, at 11:30 AM, Steve Jones <> wrote:
> I dont know if anybody here is involved in the trial, or knows anyone who is, 
> or if anybody who is is allowed to answer any of these questions. I get alot 
> of answers from people not in the trials, its all guesswork though, Id like 
> to her something definitive. The answers are driving a 100k difference in 
> product decisions.  If any of you degenerates are involved or can forward to 
> people who are involved, Id give my first born for clear answers
> Are you overlapped with other CBRS/SAS trial operators?


> Is the overlap same county/neighboring county?

Not in a test environment

> What are the SAS controls looking like. EIRP alterations, channel changes, 
> channel size decreases, etc?

The experimental versions of all the SAS’s as far as I am aware were not 
actually doing anything other than checking for incumbents.   I don’t think any 
of them were doing actual RF propagation modeling.

> How often are SAS commands being issued? (constantly, hourly, daily, weekly, 
> rarely, etc?)

The database between the SAS’es only updates once per day.   You likely won’t 
see updates other than overnight (at least initially).

> Is there any site/POP colocation with other CBRS/SAS trial operators?

Not for us

> Are you able to effectively operate ABAB/ABCD within the band effectively 
> while overlapping, and in what channel size?

We currently do in Part 90z.   There is no reason you can’t in CBRS.

> Have you come across a scenario where your operations were ceased by SAS?

Not so far.

>                                                                i.      
> Example being, all CBRS channels in use and a temporary outage occurs, during 
> which time another operator is granted access to the silent channel.

> Does SAS impact your operation among your own cells.

It’s not supposed to - this is something Winnforum and the SAS’s are working on.

> Are you able to allow overlap in your own cells that would not be an option 
> with another operator present on the license region?

should be

> Is the predeployment modelling available from any of the SAS vendors for site 
> planning?

There are hooks in the SAS where you can request frequencies, but you can’t 
necessarily query what is in use.   It’s a stupid security thing the telcos 
insisted on.   So you can ask “can I have 3550 in 10Mhz” and it will tell you 
it’s not in use.   And then you can ask about 3560 and it will tell you.   But 
it won’t answer “What is available”.   

> Are there real time tools for monitoring your regional CBRS environment?
> How have you dealt with non CBRS/SAS trial operators still operating under 
> the N license?

Just our own stuff

> Has the mechanism for recourse been defined should SAS not resolve 
> conflicting CBRS operations amongst operators.

That question needs clarification.   SAS is not supposed to deconflict GAA, 
it’s the wild west.   

> Is there a tool for obtaining a contact when there is a discrepancy to self 
> resolve amongst operators?


> When operating near a county line, assuming it is PAL operation, are you able 
> to place a subscriber onto that base station that resides in the neighboring 
> county?

Nothing prevents it as long as that subscriber doesn’t create excessive 
interference for the PAL operator.

> If operating in GAA in this environment, does the neighboring county GAA 
> supersede the ability to install a subscriber to the neighboring county base 
> station? If so, how does SAS calculate the Instruction set to the base 
> station?

The SAS protects PAL’s, not GAA.

> I don’t know if anyone is able to provide any of these answers due to NDA or 
> not
> -- 
> AF mailing list

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