Some eligible disabilities would be very easy to fake. Agoraphobia for example.

I have no data on how prevalent such fakery really is.  Different political groups will tell us different stories on that...but it's certainly not hard to do.

An average disability payment is $1258/month (anywhere from $800-$3000 based on a formula with a lot of factors).  If your only income is disability then you probably also qualify for HEAP and SNAP.   HEAP would get you $375/month if you have gas heat (more for oil or propane, but presumably because those cost more....I wouldn't know). OR it would get you $35/month if you have utilities included in your rent. SNAP could provide up to $194/month for a single person in NY.

If I'm a single person with an average disability payment, getting $35 from HEAP and $194 from SNAP then that's roughly equal to $9.29/hour.  You wouldn't pay income tax on that, but a person making $9/hour is getting pretty much everything refunded every April it's really about the same.  You won't live a good life, but you won't have to take any crap from The Man either.

If you have a child or two you can get another few hundred from TANF, but TANF requires you to work and/or look for work so you have to optimize that one by working exactly the right amount and then get fired.  Ideally get those kids diagnosed with autism or some such so you can start collecting disability checks on their behalf too....then you don't have to worry about optimizing TANF anymore.  You only get 5 years of TANF, but if you can't at least one doctor to say your kids has a disability within 5 years then you probably aren't trying hard.  Medicare is paying for these doctor visits, so just keep going and make sure to complain about all the right symptoms.

On the one hand I have a brother with >100% disability due to injuries sustained in Afghanistan, so I'm not saying these programs should go away.  On the other hand I have an ex-sister in law who gets a disability check for her psychological issues, and also has 3 children diagnosed with autism, so she gets additional benefits for the 3 of them.   I think her real disability is being an unreasonable person and I think childhood autism symptoms look suspiciously like the standard behavior of bratty kids you aren't paying any attention to.

Again, I don't know how many people like that are out there (hopefully not too many), but there's definitely a road-map already laid out for your friend's daughter to be able to live a frugal, but not uncomfortable life without having to work 40 hours and contribute to society.

</crying about society><back to work>

On 3/24/2020 12:22 AM, CBB - Jay Fuller wrote:

a friend of a friend recently told me of a story they're having to deal with.  Daughter "got into a bad situation" and was offered a roof where relative was living in another state.  After making the "mad dash" to "rescue" her, she's being very difficult.  They tried to help find her a job.  She wasn't interested.  Had apparently been watching too much bernie sanders or something.  Explained the job. Response was how dare you interrupt my private time.  Tell you what, i'll consider the job for no more than $15 an hour. Friend explained no job starts at $15 an hour, at least not around here.  Maybe you can start at $8 or $9 but then you have to get some experience and maybe over time you'll get raises to higher levels. Response was something about how in her other life she worked at a grocery store, a union was involved, union didn't do anything, didn't get backpay she was owed, etc this, etc that, yadda yadda.... todays update - - apparently she sat on hold for two hours to apply for disability benefits.   i asked my friend what disability?  he laughed, shook his head, and said i have no idea.....
what on earth is going on??? lol

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Monday, March 23, 2020 3:24 PM
    *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT People

    Had to fire a guy today.  He had a checkered past. Drugs, prison etc.
    I gave him a shot, lots of training, (at least now he can have a
    career, he was doing asbestos removal when I hired him).
    Seems that he shoplifted at one of our favorite supply houses.
    They had eyes on him when he went in, security footage of him
    standing by a rack of stuff and when he turned away things were gone.
    The front of his coat was bulging when he left.
    He visited the john, after he left they went in there and found
    some tags etc etc etc.
    I told them I would pay for the stuff.  They sent me an itemized
    bill with the exact stuff he took.
    Of course he wasn’t there, didn’t do it, didn’t steal, thought
    about stealing this stuff but didn’t do it.
    Wrongly accused, can he talk to the vendor etc etc.
    I first found out when the vendor called me and told me he is
    permanently banned from their place.
    He was a parolee.  We even removed a bullet from his back that the
    cops had put there.
    It was bothering him and he could not get anyone to cut it out. 
    He didn’t want to spend the money to do it right.
    So one evening after work he was complaining about it to the crew.
    My son the mechanic scrubbed up, got out the betadyne, scalpel,
    forceps and out it came.
    (howz that for a company health plan).
    I have hired a bunch of guys like him over the years. It rarely
    works out.  I have written letters to judges, hired lawyers, got
    sentences reduced, got people sprung from jail.
    Very few figure out how to leverage the chances I have given.
    Sucks losing the training time I have invested...
    Sucks losing an employee that knows how to do some valuable things.
    Sucks seeing humans continue to screw up their lives.
    About 20 years ago I was complaining about this same thing to
    I told him I was not going to do this anymore.
    He said: “yes, you will keep doing it”.  Nope, done.
    I guess he was right, I kept doing it.  I will probably do it
    again.  I think I am an idiot sometimes.

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