We've done several links in the 3-4 mile range with 24ghz... they drop
pretty regularly, but I don't know that 6 miles would be too much
different, as far as that goes. I'm pretty sure you won't get full capacity
out of it at that distance, but you should be able to get 400Mbps.

Considering the price of the AF24HD, I'd personally go for 80ghz instead.
Availability is probably theoretically a little worse, but my experience
has been that a storm that takes out an 80ghz link is going to take out
24ghz too, it might be down for slightly less time, but I haven't really
seen a big difference between the two.

You can get a Siklu 2Gbps link with 2' dishes for $4400 right now, which
last I checked, is about $1000 cheaper than an AF24HD link.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 1:15 PM Jim Bouse [Brazos WiFi] <j...@brazoswifi.com>

> I have a 6 mile regular AF24.  It does 550Mbps…. Until it rains.  Then it
> drops pretty quickly.
> Jim Bouse
> Owner - Brazos WiFi
> 979-985-5912
> http://www.brazoswifi.com
> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of * Sam Lambie
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 31, 2020 12:49 PM
> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
> *Subject:* [AFMUG] Airfiber 24 HD long distance usage
> I'm trying to determine if I am a nut for even considering a 6 mile
> link with airfiber 24 HD. We need up 400mbps FDX. Airlink says that we will
> get 1.5gig at that distance. We will have a second link up as a rollover
> with greatly reduced bandwidth to cover rain fade. Has anyone done a link
> this long with 24HD? Licensed is out of the question for the time being as
> is 5ghz. So... trying to think outside of the box.
> Suggestions welcome.
> --
> --
> *Sam Lambie*
> Taosnet Wireless Tech.
> 575-758-7598 Office
> www.Taosnet.com <http://www.newmex.com>
> --
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> AF@af.afmug.com
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