Title: Re: [AFMUG] OT bored

Just read an article about cholesterol and heart attacks.  Apparently 50% of people that have a heart attack have low cholesterol.  The heart attack/cholesterol link is dubious at best.  The article stated inflammation (C Reactive Protein) is a better measure of heart attack risk.  Quote from article.

"For the CRP, the lower the better. If your levels are between 3mg/L and 10 mg/L, you're considered slightly elevated".  

Get well soon.

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc.


Thursday, July 23, 2020, 8:57:45 AM, you wrote:

Last Monday (13th) afternoon, I messaged my wife saying that I felt weird in the upper chest and my shoulder blades ached. I couldn't really get more specific. As I checked off a few of the COVID boxes, I went Monday afternoon for a COVID test.

Monday night, it was very difficult to sleep on my sides, due to an increasing pressure in my chest. Usually, I can only sleep on my sides. Laying on my back (once I could fall asleep) seemed to be fine.

Tuesday I had a slight pressure, but felt like a walk in the park compared to Monday night. The COVID tests came back at the end of the day Tuesday. Negative. I then scheduled a doctor visit for Wednesday morning to diagnose whatever was going on.

Tuesday night I slept in the recliner. Other than the recliner being much less comfortable than the bed, due to the incline I was able to sleep much better.

Wednesday is my 38th birthday.

Wednesday morning I go to the doctor appointment. I explain my symptoms and answer a battery of questions. They perform an EKG and everything checks out fine. He orders some blood tests from the hospital next door as sort of a hail Mary. Depending on the blood tests, I'd either have to go to the ER for a stress test or schedule a stress test for some time over the next few days.

I go take those, go to a grocery store, go to Target, go home. I'm home about 10 - 15 minutes when I get a call from the doctor's office advising me to get a ride to the ER. There was no sense of urgency, so I drove my brother's truck from my parents farm (right next door to me) to the hay field he was working in. He gave me a ride to the hospital. I brought my laptop with as I expected to have a lot of time sitting around for things and that I wasn't in a health crisis.

I got to the hospital at 11:11 AM. They were already there waiting for me, had me sit in a wheel chair and then wheeled me into the ER. They inform me that I had a heart attack in the past 1 to 2 days and they need to figure out what's going on. More blood tests. Echo test (ultrasound of the heart), which came back fine.

They schedule me for an angiogram\angioplasty so they can get in there and see what's going on. It should take about an hour to check it out and an hour to repair whatever's wrong, if it's easily repaired. I was in for just over an hour. I had 100% blockage in one of my arteries, so they put a stent in.

I was out of the hospital by 11:30 AM on Thursday, so just barely over 24 hours after arriving.

Most of my heart-related blood tests were normal:
Total Cholesterol: 144  (0 - 199 mg/dL)
Triglycerides: 159 (0 - 150 mg/dL)
HDL: 24 (23 - 92 mg/dL)
LDL: 88  (0 - 99 mg/dL)
Non-HDL: 120
Col/HDL Ratio: 6.0
Sodium: 137 (136 - 145 mEq/L)
C Reactive Protein 8.77 (0.00 - 10.00 mg/L)

So it'd be nice to get the HDL up a little and the triglycerides down a little. The others would be nice to tweak a little bit as well, but nothing terrible.

Oh, here is the test that wasn't normal:

Troponin I , High Sensitivity: 7,136.4 (0.0 - 20.0 pg/mL)

It's a genetic thing on my dad's side.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

Midwest Internet Exchange

The Brothers WISP

From: ch...@wbmfg.com
To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 2:08:03 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT bored
Wow, details?  I worry about that every time I get light headed.  

From: Mike Hammett
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 12:50 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT bored

I must have missed Jaime's problem.

I had a heart attack last week.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

Midwest Internet Exchange

The Brothers WISP

From: ch...@wbmfg.com
To: af@af.afmug.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 11:00:53 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT bored

Feeling empathy for Jaime.  I jumped from the top hand rail of my scissors lift to floor of the basket a few days ago.  Plumbing up some new natural gas pipes to my new natural gas /electric steam cleaner.  Now my herniated disks are all messed up again.  So can’t do anything.  Bored out of my gourd.  I have finally proven to my self that I just cannot jump down from things anymore.  The most crazy painful back events came from 1) Jumping off of a 6’ stone wall about 6 years ago.  2) Jumping off the back of a semi flat bed about a  year ago.  And now this.  So, as much as I want to act 20 years old, I guess jumping off or down is something that is not on the menu anymore.  Hopefully skiing is not going to start to become a problem.  

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