I hope the rest of the room is surrounded in metal. Otherwise, you could
just punch through the drywall and enter.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 11:04 AM Lewis Bergman <lewis.berg...@gmail.com>

> A friend of mine just put this in his new house. I think you need a few.
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 8:55 AM Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com> wrote:
>> I actually do have what you could call a bunker.  That is what my
>> neighbors call it.  Underground room off a tunnel that connects my house
>> basement with my garage lower level.  Like to find a fancy old bank vault
>> door for it.  I told my kids that when I croak they will find it stuffed
>> floor to ceiling with toilet paper.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 7, 2020, at 6:45 AM, Ken Hohhof <af...@kwisp.com> wrote:
>> If the weather stayed like it’s been this week, you could just put a
>> comfy chair out on the lawn for her.
>> My neighbors got some sort of tentlike gazebo thing.  It’s probably just
>> a gazebo, but I’ve wondered if it’s a quarantine hut in case one of them
>> gets infected.
>> Chuck could quarantine in his Vienna Sausage bunker.
>> *From:* AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> *On Behalf Of *Steve Jones
>> *Sent:* Friday, August 7, 2020 12:06 AM
>> *To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
>> *Subject:* [SPAM] Re: [AFMUG] COVID Exposure and the real world
>> You geeks are pretty smart.
>> I was thinking, there's nothing stopping me from making her room and our
>> upstairs bathroom negative pressure rooms with some 6 inch duct and duct
>> fans in a plywood and styrofoam cutout in the window. If I put a hepa
>> furnace filter on and a baffle it should keep any heat and bugs out of the
>> house. May help keep our upstairs cooler blowing heat out and drawing cool
>> air up from downstairs. Laying the duct to the floor should cause down
>> draft and get any potential airborne bugs out of the air.
>> I'm thinking if I run humidifiers it should give any covid creatures
>> something weighty to attach to.
>> My 15 year old opted to go stay with my neice because I gave him and the
>> 12 year old girl the current known political statistics and let them define
>> their own risk tolerance. If wife doesnt get symptomatic I'm letting him go
>> through with his baptism Sunday since he wont be exposed when she would
>> become contagious. But then again, church is the only place it spreads.
>> The girl opted to stay
>>  The two littles dont have brain pan capacity to decide, since neither of
>> them talk yet.
>> The fat baby is still on boob juice and CDC and who political
>> recommendations are to continue breast feeding but for mom to wear a
>> mask... odd to see common sense prevail from either of those places.
>> Probably making a poor choice somewhere in all this but when you're
>> offered the option of a shit sandwich or a turd burger, the outcomes wont
>> be all that different.
>> Boss was pretty cool, we are on the same page as far as risk exposure and
>> mitigation at work. This wont be her last exposure at work, though I hope
>> it's the last high risk one. And if she does test positive, then we dont
>> have to worry about them anymore. If I catch it and dont croak out then we
>> are riding on the golden ticket. We are both smokers and apparently this
>> particular disease that's a good thing since the vascular impact is
>> mitigated by our constant constriction, no covid toe for us.
>> Looked like a hypochondriac at the store stocking up on vitamins for 3
>> age ranges and normal cold/flu meds for 3 age ranges. Learning a ton about
>> vitamin D, C, potassium and Zinc tolerances. This sucks because something
>> in multivitamins cause me to get tinitus so the ringing will start here in
>> a couple days. But at least we will walk away in the habit of adjuncting
>> with vitamins. Probably something we should have been doing all along.
>> I'm guessing if I werent treating this like any disaster mitigation at
>> work I'd be freaking out like the wife. Hopefully I dont get to the point I
>> have it handled and have time to sit and think. Might result in a bit of a
>> brain bubble.
>> Going to find out shortly just how accurate the "experts" are. Should be
>> an interesting week. According to CNN, since we are a right leaning
>> household, we are all going to die because of our guns.
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 11:34 PM Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> This guy is a definite initial false negative. It technically wasn't an
>> initial rule out, it was a confirmation test, that's why the doc
>> immediately ordered second test. Since my initial post there's been a lot
>> of policy activity at the facility. A lot of staff exposure occurred.
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 4:56 PM Matt Hoppes <
>> mattli...@rivervalleyinternet.net> wrote:
>> Keep in mind that that could be a false positive as well there are a lot
>> of both false negatives and false positives on the test. Unless they
>> perform several more tests you will never know for sure.
>> > On Aug 6, 2020, at 4:06 PM, Steve Jones <thatoneguyst...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > 
>> > So, the wife has a good probability of infection. She works at a
>> hospital as PCT (used to be CNA before PC). Patient came in with high
>> likelihood of COVID, Isolation protocols were put in place, initial test
>> came back negative, they pulled precautions. Still using basic surgical
>> masks and gloves (says right on box that it doesnt stop COVID-19). Patient
>> is on assistive ventilation, aerosolized secretions.
>> > Doctor snaps and orders new test, of course it comes back positive.
>> > So now multiple staff are exposed, the bad kind with aerosolized
>> secretions, thats the healthcare exposure they warn about.
>> > Of course today the hospital changes policy to mandatory eye protection
>> (bit late knuckleheads)
>> > inept
>> >
>> > I could co on about how pissed I am about this, and the fact that
>> theyre not offering testing to exposed employees, and that the WHO
>> recommendation is healthcare staff continue coming into work until they
>> show symptoms, and the fact that staff wear the same mask for 12 hours and
>> are scolded if they want to change them even though mask production is
>> sufficient to support anything that comes at healthcare now. but thats a
>> whole other rant.
>> >
>> > Moving forward we are treating the household as probably infected. Sons
>> baptism sunday is postponed. But trying to figure timelines and how to
>> handle exposure risks at my job. Trying to read up on all the current
>> politically motivated data is a joke. Best I can tell is transmissibility
>> minimum is 3 days, based on the newest harvard study. So assuming wife did
>> get it, we have 3 days from initial exposure for her to infect me and 3
>> days after that that in transmissible, so working on a minimum  6 day
>> window until I have to shut down contact.
>> >
>> > I already notified everybody that If I come in for anything (primarily
>> working remote anyway) that ill be masked and gloved (lol, cloth masks from
>> her insurance provider) and wont be within 6 feet of anybody.
>> >
>> > After the 6 days until she is cleared, I wont be making in person
>> contact with anyone. If I enter the office, masked and gloved, sanitize
>> everything as i come out. We already have staff separation, with different
>> entrances for everyone. No one inside at the same time as me, ill try to
>> limit in office to after hours. Any equipment I touch will be masked and
>> gloved, will be placed in out non air conditioned garage (gets hot) for 24
>> hours before any other staff touches it and will be sanitized.
>> >
>> > My site work (assuming no positive tests or symptoms in my house) will
>> be limited to me only and exterior work only, unmanned locations only, If
>> any at risk climbing is required of me, a second ground 911 man present, in
>> vehicle only. I I have to supervise any work, It will be from an isolated
>> location. Any site area I am in is not to be entered for 24 hours.
>> >
>> > Any symptoms or positive tests in my house and we go on full quarantine.
>> >
>> > Ive made it abundantly clear that I think this whole thing is blown out
>> of proportion, the masks are nothing more than something to make people
>> feel like theyre doing something, even though theyre really not effective
>> and come fall theyll be massive bacterial breeding grounds. But there is
>> due diligence, and I think this plan of attack is pretty reasonable. It
>> mitigates any risk while allowing us to maintain productivity (assuming no
>> symptoms or positive tests). It feels like its something with minimal major
>> company impact and id easy to replicate given that my spouse works in
>> healthcare and this likely wont be the last high risk exposure. But I still
>> am not matt hoppes level.
>> >
>> > At this time, I havent had any "exposure" but there is a probable
>> looming exposure. I'm personally relieved that its probably in my house
>> now, and we have time to prepare for the inevitable. Im high risk because
>> of COPD, so theres that, but Ive already made right with that. Id rather
>> just get it over with, I had planned to get exposed a while back to get
>> past it but got that plan taken out from under me.
>> >
>> > We may "luck out" and this exposure was a near miss, but if
>> transmissibility is anywhere near what the politics say it is, this ones
>> all but certain.
>> >
>> > I think the 6 day window is a logical one to increase precautions until
>> we are past it. I think the non contact addresses any risk to coworkers. I
>> think the timeframe between shared surface/inventory contact is reasonable
>> and "science based". and after 14 days from the last exposure (she was
>> exposed over two consecutive 12 hour shifts) is a good window for increased
>> precautions to be in play, with a review and swap test at the drive through
>> site nearby.
>> >
>> > anybody but matt have any thoughts on this plan. I really think its
>> more than what is actually needed, but meets the abundance of caution
>> threshold
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> Lewis Bergman
> 325-439-0533 Cell
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