But when you are that age, there is something to be said for living the “animal 
house” experience.  I did the full on beer keg in the dedicated beer keg 
fridge, multiple roommates, multiple girlfriends, crazy college apartment 
thing.  That was fun.  The 70s were fun.  

From: Steve Jones 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 11:36 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange

My boy turned 18 in december. Hes talked about moving out. I tell him hes dumb 
if he does. As long as he lives under my roof the utilities are going to be 
paid, because I have to pay them anyway, so none of that cost is there for him, 
even if i charged him a little bit of rent. I dont want my kids to leave as 
long as theyre productive. Build bank accounts, retirements, etc. Go have life 
experiences if thats the reason to go, but otherwise be smart and keep your 
coin as long as you can. 

Hes working at walmart, they actually offer a shit ton of benefits for the 
people who take advantage of them, most are too lazy to even read their 
package. They have one of the biggest 401k matches out there over time. Hes 
increased 3 dollars an hour in pay in less than a year. Hes learning all the 
roles there, changing departments as he can. hes planning on working for me in 
the long run, but he knows im a struggling startup, so hes being smart about 
it. hes finishing his EMT program at high school, doesnt have interest in the 
college route. Hes touched IT, WISP work, he can run a small directional drill, 
dig a hole, worked retail and will have his EMT license. For non college bound, 
hes already opened a lot of doors (im pushing him to heavy equipment operator). 
Why pay rent and utilities right now, hes still got more doors to open.

that being said, hes making 15 an hour right now, he and 2 buddies could go out 
and rent an apartment today. The bills would all be paid, they would have some 
beer money, and his savings account would grow. Thats as long as he chooses to 
not be like these gimme gimmes that think you should have newest phone with 
unlimited data plan, 3-5 streaming services, good flashy car, starbucks, fast 
food, ticktok time, etc in a big apartment of his own running air it 60 all 
summer with the windows open while cooking steaks on the grill every night. 
trash begets trash and looks in the pocket of other men.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 12:15 PM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

  I have a large house, all 7 of my surviving kids and the 5 spouses could move 
in and live with us.  (However one of the kids and her spouse is not welcome...)

  Some of them have, but they have mostly all moved on.  

  From: Mike Hammett 
  Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 10:35 AM
  To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange

  So then live with a room mate? I lived at home with my parents until I had a 
new home with my wife. No shame here. I know plenty of people that lived with 
an assortment of friends until they got married. My wife's cousin lives with 
her fiance and his best friend. The best friend is moving out, but they did so 
for a number of years. 

  She's the worst paid of the bunch, being a union, highly-skilled nurse. The 
others are IT consultants. They could all live independently, but that would be 
foolish, so they didn't.

  Mike Hammett
  Intelligent Computing Solutions

  Midwest Internet Exchange

  The Brothers WISP


  From: "Ryan Ray" <ryan...@gmail.com>
  To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <af@af.afmug.com>
  Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:58:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange


  I'm going to assume you're not trying to cherry pick statistics and want to 
learn and listen.

  Housing is only one part of the equation. Food, services, fuel, goods are at 
all time highs. Rental markets are becoming unfeasible unless living with 
roommates. I'm not sure where or how this mobile home fits in with the work in 
your area. Is there work in the area for your daughter to earn $18 an hour? 

  Talent.com says that at $18 an hour, working for 40 hours a week, gets you 
$2500 monthly net. 
  Going off these assumptions Cost of Living in Utah (2023) | SoFi

  Rent: $1100
  Food (No Restaurants): $253
  Utilities: $300
  Gas?: $400
  I think you yanks have things like health insurance. $100/mo?

  I haven't thought of everything, but you're already up to $2200/mo. You don't 
get ahead because you're behind before you even start.

  Now take into account that the average home price in Utah is $500k and you 
cherry picked some bottom of the barrel trailer. I can't tell if you're being 
serious or not.

  On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 11:55 AM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

    One of my millennial daughters, grown, married, trying to adult, lives with 
her brother and his wife told me that I just don’t understand how hard it is 
today compared to when I was younger.  So I did a little comparison for her:  

    My first paid job in 1976 was $2/hour.  That would be about $10.70/hour 

    (I was an unpaid apprentice to a machinist in 1974, and slave labor on the 
farm from 1960 until I escaped).

    My first skilled, formally trained, semi professional, utility lineman job 
in 1979 paid $4.50/hour.  
    That would be about $18 today.

    My first home, single wide 10 x 50 mobile home cost $12,000 in 1982.  Or 
about $36K today.  

    So how is it people have it so much worse today?

    From: Jeff Broadwick - Lists 
    Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:39 AM
    To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] FB Exchange

    Too many parents want to be friends with their kids and not actually 
parent.  Good news is, if you do a good job of parenting, you’ll likely have 
the opportunity out to become friends with your kids after they move out.

    Jeff Broadwick 

    312-205-2519 Office
    574-220-7826 Cell

      On Feb 14, 2023, at 1:25 PM, Sterling Jacobson <sterl...@avative.com> 

      Yeah, that’s a problem for sure.

      All the youth (and some adults) see online is prosperity and wealth and 

      Your definition of existing just doesn’t even come to their minds. To use 
a phrase, they literally don’t comprehend it.

      I was living happily in a one room apartment for $400 a month and eating 
the same PB&J and soup for lunch/dinner on almost no monthly spend.

      I had an old futon bed that I had purchased in college as furniture. My 
monthly output was focused on paying rent and a bit for food and my car.

      I was hungry for more, made my way by learning, taking what I could find 
and working my way up.

      And during none of that did I think to myself, “This is shit, I am 
entitled to more because I exist.” Lol

      My grown kids ask for very little and even then get told no all the time, 
or have conditions.

      I worry about my younger kids that have spent a lot more time online. 
They still know they get nothing as a default, but they are more entitled in 
language and practice than my older kids.

      Society online in general isn’t doing anyone any favors. 

      I mean some of the youtube crap they watch is just inane, and some of 
these people just throw around money like it magically appeared to them out of 
thin air without a care.

      There is no accountability or explanation.

      From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> On Behalf Of Chuck McCown via AF
      Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 10:37 AM
      To: af@af.afmug.com
      Cc: Chuck McCown <ch...@go-mtc.com>
      Subject: [AFMUG] FB Exchange

      I advertised for hiring yesterday, a no experience necessary, get paid to 
learn MIG mild steel welding.   PT/FT flexible hours.  We hire 17 year olds.  I 
immediately got crap from this guy saying that the “young people of today” 
cannot exist on less than $18/hour which is what he gets and he works from 

      Lots of people defended my $15/entry level, get paid to learn welding 

      He deleted his post then sent me this:  

      Hello there,

      Our of respect for you because it wasn't my intent to cause tension, I've 
deleted my comment on your posting. My only point was to emphasize that the 
going rate for a lot of entry level jobs is much higher than $15 an hour. 
Welding is a great skill and can open up great avenues in the future. 

      However, The youth of today cannot live on $15 an hour so a lot of 
candidates will not even walk through the door because other places even in the 
field of welding pay higher to start. 

      What I emphasized at my company starting at $18 is just one example. We 
have people here that make well over $50 an hour because we operate on a 
commission structure. But that $18 base is livable when a one bedroom is $1000+ 
in tooele a month and depending on where you live it's as low as $1600+ 

      Again, never meant to offend so I am sorry for causing you any trouble.

        I replied:

        So you expect someone to walk from High School directly into a job 
where they can have a nice home, car and things?  Wow, without learning a 
trade, profession or other skill?   Our $15/hour people take home $2000/month.  
Pretty sure someone can exist on that and the smart ones will have roommates or 
live with their parents.  And the smarter ones will quickly be making more than 
$18/hour.  We have exactly zero problems finding as many workers as we need.  
So your opinion that "youth of today" cannot exist on $15/hour is just that, 
unfounded opinion.  I guess your definition of "exist" is different than mine.  
You can exist by walking, riding a bicycle or taking a bus to work.  You can 
exist by eating home cooked meals and making a home made sandwich for your 
lunch.  You can exist by wearing clothes from a thrift store.  You don't need 
the latest iPhone and Netflix to exist.  Read a book.  The struggle IS the 
journey and is what creates grit and strong character.

      He replied and blocked me:  

      Yeah Okay Boomer. I was reaching out to be nice but you clearly have no 
idea what life is like for us today. I just bought my first house at 31 because 
of how shit things are right now compared to when you were younger. But thanks 
for proving my point by being an asshole about "my definition of exist"

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