And anyone not running automated mitigation, I would highly recommend Mke
solutions, he charges only a few hundred dollars to get you up and running,
just provide a VM or hardware.

On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 12:05 PM TJ Trout <> wrote:

> Nice, fastnetmon or something else?
> If your running fastnetmon and Mikrotik you could check out mke solutions,
> he builds a GUI extension that can also add the victim IP to an address
> list via api for nat so the customer doesn't even notice they are null
> routed.
> TJ
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2023, 10:57 AM <> wrote:
>> ~30Gb DDOS at midnight last night
>> This one only affected the PON circuit the target was on, and automatic
>> mitigation quashed it quickly.  No phone calls.  No late night alerts.
>> It wasn’t that long ago when that would have been a debilitating event.
>> --
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