Yes it will work just need to make sure your not on one of the DWDM channels towards the edge of the filter. It will more than likely work just they tend to have more loss. Choose a channel in the middle for best results. Its actually the least expensive way of adding WDM into a network. CWDM filters are typically cheaper than DWDM and DWDM optics are less expensive than WDM because there more widely used.

Optical filters are just like RF filters as long as you are operating in the range of the filters channel it will work. You just have to be careful about power levels and adjacent channel interference as WDM optics tend to have highr TX power and less sensitive receivers.


On 12/20/23 4:36 PM, wrote:

Dumb question of the week:

Could I run a pair of DWDM transceivers through a CWDM multiplexer and expect it to work?  I’d only be using a small slice of the channel, but if the DWDM wavelength is encompassed by the larger CWDM wavelength then that light should still reach the intended destination, right?

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