I've seen apple phones that seemed to have wireless compatibility issues
with some routers' older firmware - try a firmware update?
On Dec 26, 2014 9:41 PM, "Jay Weekley via Af" <af@afmug.com> wrote:

> Got this email from the wife of one of our landlords.
> "Hey, I'm Bill xxxxxx's wife, Barb. I had an Apple phone last year and had
> no problems connecting to the wireless. A couple months ago, it wouldn't
> let me connect here at home. I am able to connect to any other wireless
> anywhere, except here. At first, I thought it was my phone maybe with some
> updating issues. Bought a new Apple phone today. Wireless worked fine in
> the store. Once I got home, I am still unable to connect. The wireless
> works in the house with all other devices. Can you tell me if this is
> fixable? "
> Any suggestions? They currently have a Netgear router if that helps.
> Normally I would tell them to call Apple but we have a tower in their field
> in exchange for free internet at their house.

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